Chapter 2

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[At Portia's room]

"I'm pretty sure dad's rotting in hell for doing this to me" Portia said, glancing at her maid and best-friend, Nerisa. "Come on, don't say that, all these men here seem nice." Nerisa replied, making Portia sit up on her bed inorder to give a final touch-up on her make-up before she could sit in her assigned seat to oversee the three casket game of choosing her suitor. "Nice?!" Portia exclaimed, sitting up. "All of them look more like douchebags than my future husband! Say a name and I'll describe him for you"
"Well, then.... The Neapolitan Prince"

"He'd expect me to give birth to a horse"

"Then there's the County Palatine"

"I'd rather marry a dead guy"

"How about the French Lord, Monsieur Le Bon?"

"I said man, Ner"

"What about the young England Baron, Falconbridge?:

"We don't even speak the same language!"

"And his neighbour? The Scottish Lord?"

"He got punched!"

"The Duke of Saxony's German nephew?"
"He was drunk early in the morning!"

"That's all" Nerisa said "What would you do if one of these six men picked the right casket?"

"I'll have to marry him and live like a prop. There's nothing I can do about it because of dad's empowerment over me."

"Someday, a brave woman stuck in your same situation is gonna say no and marry the guy of her dreams and break this horrible chain put up by the society of men. And that day, this world would change."

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