chapter 2:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Cory & vince heard people screaming. They saw two ninjas daidouji & ikaruga defending off civilians in secret as they beat up & slice yoma.

2 hid in the area without being seen by them as they morph.



Yoma about to ambushed the ninjas. Titanuim ranger jumped kicked every one of them. Magnum ran & slice a few flankers ikaruga & daidouji looked surprise.

Ikaruga: you guys are power rangers?!

Daidouji: power rangers i thought they

Titanium ranger: we retired. Anyways would you excuse me

Magnum defender: are you a samurai?

Ikaruga: no i'm a shinobi a ninja same with her. Arigato for the assist


Rico: aw man i was so close of getting another gundam model

Leon: suck it up

Rico: what a pain in the butt

They got out of the car. Zodiac team turned to them.

Leo: its too dangerous get outta here

Leon: dangerous. Nah we had worse. GO GALACTIC


Zodiac team jaw drop knowing who they are.

Kurohuro: this is not what i predicted. Its been so long since i seen legends

Red galactic: well lets Just say we retired

Quantum ranger: always a ranger


Mighty morphen white ranger kicking ass. He did twirl kick.

(5:30 - 5:46 only)

He turned around two more yoma charging at him. As he prepared his talking blade. Ibuki cut them in half with her scissor blades.

White tiger ranger: your that same waitress. So ..

Ibuki: i'm a ninja lets kill the guys WOOF

To be continued:

Going to work


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