chapter 21:

43 1 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Leo having tea with leon. Talking about their past lives. Leo is shocked that leon is from another planet where the original red lost galaxy is ranger is from.

Leon: your sister wanted to control these yoma?

Leo: hai

Leon: so these things are running amok everytime they show up

Leo sensed something coming, pulled out a kunai Threw it a kitchen knife. Maki is her along with hyoki.

Leon: WHAT THE?!

Leo: maki san, SIS?!

Hyoki: hello sister. * bowed * nice to meet you red lost galaxy ranger should i say leon

They got up running at the two transforming.

(5:46 - 5:50 only)



They started fighting them. Red lost gakaxy ranger learned from leo don't let maki cut him so she can get blood from him to create any clones thanks to miki.

Hyoki: no reki or yuki. I'm insulted

Leo: nani?

Hyoki: they betrayed us. Another ranger whose in a relationship with reki the whole time. Yuki has reasons to defect our cause

They both clashing with their own laser swords.

(1:33 - 1:41 only)

Maki got defeated by red lost ranger. Looking at the two sisters fighting awestrcuk how skilled they are fighting with laser swords.

Leo win by a good nice blow head butt & spun kicked her shattering the kakkai barrier & left the scene.

They both changed backed in their original selfs before.

Leo: we need to warn the others

To be continued:

Going to work


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