Clark, Bruce, and Lois

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Lois: "What in the mother of crap?!"

Clark: "Bruce!"

Batman: "Blur!"

Lois: "What?!"

(An awkward moment passed, Batman finally sighed and removed his cowl)

Bruce: "Sorry about that. It's Miss Lane, isn't it?"

Lois: "...Smallville? Uh...please tell me you two weren't acting out some..kind of...questionable adult film?"

Clark: "Wha..? I don't even like costumes. This is a man I just met today. His name's.."

Bruce: "Bruce. Bruce Wayne."

Lois: "Ohhh...."

Bruce: " have no idea who I am, do you?"

Lois: "...not so much, no. Okay uh..quick question...why the voice?"

Bruce: "What do you mean?"

Clark: "Oh come on.."

Bruce: "I'm kidding. Goes with the cowl. I don't really think about it. It's a reflex. Like, say..forgetting all about your crush for weeks when your ex comes back."

(Clark felt that one)

Lois: "Oof. Shots fired."

Bruce: "No guns, no killing."

Clark: "Okay..Bruce would you mind us a minute?"

Bruce: "Yeah sure. I'll get to work tracking down Edge."

(Bruce leaves the house, Clark turned to Lois with an extremely guilt ridden look)

Clark: "Lois I.."

Lois: "Oh I do believe it's my turn to speak, Mister."

(Clark paused and shifted awkwardly)

Lois: " many thoughts. But first of're The Red Blue Blur?"

Clark: "...yes, Lois. I know. I should have.."

Lois: "Hold your horses there, bucko. Not done."

(Clark stopped and waited patiently for her to continue)

Lois: "So you've been..secretly saving people this entire time? With..with powers?"

Clark: "I know. It's a lot to process all at once. The important thing is Lois. I wanted to tell you. I actually did once a couple weeks ago but then everything went wrong and.."

Lois: "Back up there, Smallville. What about..the alley? Was that..really you?"

(Clark swallowed nervously and tilted his head in a slight acknowledgement)

Lois: " really kissed me huh?"

Clark: "Yeah but it's not like it was the first time..."

(Clark quickly realized what he'd let slip)

Lois: "Um...when? I hope you're not referring to the almost one at Chloe's Bridezilla wedding cause your Bat friend out there dropped the mic on that entire thing three minutes ago."

Clark: "I'm sorry, Lois. I really wasn't thinking clearly. I got caught up in so many other things and then I pretended to be a cop and then.."

Bruce: "Thought you weren't a cop."

(Lois screamed again, Bruce had re entered the house without either of them noticing)

Clark: "Do you always have to sneak up on people like that?"

Bruce: "Sorry to disappoint. Look, Edge hasn't been seen since your friend Luthor shot him multiple times in a car. A car that appeared to be crunched and then tossed like a.."

Clark: "Don't say toy!"

Lois: "...toy!"

(Clark gave her a look)

Bruce: "It's a shame though. It was probably a nice car. You should see my other one."

Clark: "...I haven't seen any of your cars yet."

Lois: "I call shotgun!"

Bruce: "No guns, no ki.."

Lois: "Heard ya the first time, inspector gadget."

Bruce: "...well I do have some of those."

Clark: "Listen, Lois it's too dangerous for you to get involved with something like this."

Lois: "...Smallville, living in this town puts me in danger like every other week. At this point why even bother?"

(She grabbed her purse and went out the door)

(Clark and Bruce stood in awkward silence for a few moments...)

Bruce: "She's good."

Clark: "Tell me something I don't know."

Smallville/The Dark Knight (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now