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— master pianhao vs

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— master pianhao vs. sokka.

sennas eyes stare up at the sky as meteorites fly by. they make the sky look really pretty with all these colors. the moon was also full and shiny. a small smile finds a way to her lips, knowing that yue is there, looking down at her and that she is with them.

sokka sat very close to senna, their bodies touching each others. on the other side of her was aang then katara and lastly was toph.

"wow this is amazing to watch." katara said in amazement.

"kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are."

"eh." toph spoke up, "you've seen nothing once, you've seen it 1,000 times."

"woah where's that one going?" senna questioned aloud as she sat up and saw one meteorite came very close to them and land in the woods.

the group gasped as it created a huge fire in the forest and they immediately took action.

senna and katara rode on appa, bending water onto the fire as they sore through the air. senna tried to use her fire bending to maybe keep control of the fire but it didn't work, instead it made it bigger.

"my bad!"

toph and aang used their earthbending to create a trench so it would be easier for the fire to go out. meanwhile, sokka was with momo and stumpy watching his friends save the day. 

"has the fire died down yet?" senna asked katara.

"almost." katara answered, bending a huge ass wave onto the fire, making it die out, "now it is!"

katara and senna flew back to where the rest of the gaang members were. aang helped senna off of appa and she sent him a smile and thanked him. stumpy strolled over to the dual bender and she picked him up, snuggling him up to her chest.

"that was an interesting meteor shower." aang laughed, senna laughing with him.

everyone went to sleep a few minutes later. senna laid down in her and sokkas tent but she noticed he wasn't with her. so she got up and spotted him outside, staring at his maps.

she sighed and trotted over to him, her arms wrapped around herself since she was a little chilly, "you okay?" she asked, taking a seat next to him.

sokka nodded, "yeah, just glancing through some maps since that's the only thing im good at." he sighed.

senna frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder, "don't say that, sokka. you're good at a lot of things."

he turned toward her, "like what?"

senna wasn't expecting that question. "well uhh..."she glanced around the camp and saw his boomerang, "using your boomerang! you're boomerang man after all and fighting too. you also are very funny."

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