Part Two, "No Separation"

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TW: Death, Mention of disembowelment.

A sudden ear piercing scream broke the war, Right in side of the rib cage of a disemboweled human, Was a small ball of liquid negativity, Fours ears perked up, Two on each side, Swiveling and turning at the sudden silence. Four slim, Long dripping tails moved from covering the small frame of the skelewolf, There.. A small creature made of the negativity and anger and rage.. Was born. The silence pleased the small god enough that a second being formed, Though their frame was larger and more sturdy than the negative's frame. The new god was made of positivity, Happiness and calmness and everything else. The humans and monsters immediately rushed toward the newer god, A human was about to lift them up when a long, Scaly tail slid into view, Feathers and small bits of fur lined the tip of the tail, White scales faded into a soft yellow, Upon the newer God's head was horns, Elegant and long. A dragon? No, This god had no wings, What was this god? The human snatched up the slightly larger god and cradled them as if they were the God's creator. The negative god awoke, The moment the negative god's piercing cyan eye-light saw the other god in the arms of a human, The god SNARLED angrily, Sliding out of the boney cage it was created in. The human backed away, Then turned and ran with what the negative god deemed HIS. The negative stood up on their legs, Their four tails swishing along the blood stained earth, Slowly, The negative began to gain size, Soon becoming larger than the human by a lot. The human screamed as sharp claws pierced their chest and right through their SOUL. Prying the human body away from the dragon-like being, It shrank down again to it's normal size, Trying to shake the other awake, Soon the other's eye-sockets fluttered open, My goodness, Did the negative god fall more in love with them. Soft golden eye-lights met the negative's single piercing cyan eye-light. The Positive's horns curved down wards then up sharply, Ending in a deadly sharp point. Small tufts of fur and a few feathers were on the Positive's cheeks, Gently, The Negative strokes their cheeks, It was bliss.. The negative god decided.. Nobody would separate them.

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