Part Four, "Prey"

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The small negative god scurried along the forest floor, Their scaly counterpart following close behind, Mare was on the trail of a rabbit, He and his other hadn't eaten in days, It was probably a horrible idea to run away from the safety of the skelewolves but that didn't matter, They wanted to feel the surge of energy during a chase, Like the skelewolves talked about so often. The negative god paused, Digging his claws into the earth as his four large and fluffy ears perked up, Then flattened against his skull, His tail swishing in delight, Unfortunately, the rabbit saw the movement and bolted, Mare chase it for a while but the rabbit bolted into a burrow, He hissed and growled at the hole, Pawing at it at times, He stood up on his hind legs and was about to head back till he realized one thing.

He didn't even know where the fuck he was.

Mare paused, Sniffing the air, But he couldn't smell anything, Fear coursed through his bones as he dropped to all fours and hissed at the bushes, He sensed something, A emotion of sorts. It was driving him crazy that he couldn't see where the source was, Finally, His partner stepped out, Letting out a grateful growl, Trotting over to Mare and pressed their cheek bones together, A delightful purr rumbling from the negative's chest. Mare swore that day that he would never chase prey without his partner close behind.

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