Bloodworth and Sherbert

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The Bloodworth Family and The Sherbert Family had little connections to each other. There was no great rivalry. No Romeo and Juliette like hate between them. No bad blood. Nothing but a different species and different origins in different locations. The Bloodworth Family was vampire bats that came from Europe in a country that no longer exists. They were rich when they moved to America and only got richer. Now The Sherbert Family wasn't rich and were not originally called "Sherbert" in their country. That country being China, you may have heard about it. The red pandas who were actually pink moved to America, had to change their name to avoid being chased out of town then... Unfortunately, they remained poor.

The lack of connection stopped when Cherry and Batty began dating in high school. It began in summer while they were away from school. It continued in secret through the 50s until 1960 when they left high school as seniors. Immediately they went to marry as 18 year olds who fell in love at first sight in freshman year are often to do.

That's when their families and the rest of the town found out. See, pink red pandas and vampire bats are different species and marriage between different species was illegal. As they said their I dos, the church was burned down by the police and the two newlyweds were dragged to a hanging tree behind the courthouse. Their families and neighbors collected around to watch mere young adults die, cheering the entire time. Both The Sherbert Family and The Bloodworth Family disowned their only children verbally on that night.

Cherry Sherbert was hanged first as the poor and the foreigner, her pink fur and black eyes couldn't make them see her as human too. They only empowered their hate in fact. Her wedding dress was too short to brush the ground but only barely. Her red and cyan pin lay on her chest above her heart. A gift of love. They hung her and due to her weight, the branch snapped. The vampire bat with the green belly slid off the broken branch. Then they ran into the woods, followed by the angry group of families and neighbors.

The town got lost in the woods that night and had to return to the burning church. The lovers got into a car Cherry Sherbert had been fixing in her parents shop and then drove far away from their lives.

This was both the best choice she ever made and the worst mistake of her life. It was dark that night. Too dark. Even with headlights, they couldn't see the person on the motorbike. When they did, she turned right into a pine tree that she never saw coming. Batty Bloodworth died...

This is a story about his afterlife.

The Tragedy of Batty Bloodworth and Cherry SherbertWhere stories live. Discover now