The Final/Overmorrow

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Cherry Sherbert didn't hear from Batty Bloodworth again after that. She tried but he never replied. So she ran, she ran and ran and fixed cars for a living, she ran until she got a message. Interspecies marriage was legal and since she married Batty Bloodworth and his parents were dead, she was technically the next of kin. It had taken years. So many years of running that she had long grown an old widow. Cherry had never remarried. She never wanted anyone else. The pink lady was old and she knew she was soon to join her husband.

She took the mansion. It was meaningless to her but it was something to show those people who ruined her life and to rest her bones. She was so very tired of running. Cherry died in her sleep for if the reaper had taken her at any other time, she'd prove just how much stronger she was compared to her husband.

Cherry Sherbert met Ducky, she spoke firmly, "Take me to my husband." Despite her age, Ducky didn't argue. She then took Batty Bloodworth out of Hell and into Heaven. The weight of their souls were heavier than the weight of their sins and so they passed the pearl gates.

The End.

The Tragedy of Batty Bloodworth and Cherry SherbertWhere stories live. Discover now