Batty Bloodworth died

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Batty Bloodworth opened his white/silver or green or red eyes to find a pine tree branch in his chest. His fancy ruffled, neon, green, undershirt was ruined with blood. It soaked his black suit jacket with its cherry candy red outline. He moved backwards in horror to move through the sloppy jalopy car seat to find he was dead, a ghost. He looked beside himself in his dead body to see Cherry Sherbert unconscious beside him. In that moment he vowed to stay with her, his most expensive mistake.

Cherry Sherbert awoke to a bloodbath, her husband dead. She screamed and cried. Not knowing he was right beside her, trying to comfort her.

Batty Bloodworth looked around to find someone that could help, well at least he hoped. He was getting the impression that nobody could see him, and he had an idea why. There were two people, a plague doctor and a fluffy, yellow, duck. The Plague Doctor introduced herself, "Well met, I am Doctor Bella Graven Allure and I will guide you to the other side." The duckling greeted, "Hello, I'm Ducky and I can guide you to the glorious power."

Batty decided to ignore both of them. Which upset both of them. Ducky yelled at him, "Hey! You can't ignore us both, you have to pick one of us!! If you don't pick the goody goodie then you'll have to come with me to Hell!" Doctor Bella Graven Allure breathed out a sigh then lit her lantern. It glowed a sickly green. A polar bear maid appeared beside her, then asked in her sweet little voice, "Bella, what's with him?"

Bella Graven Allure breathed out in disappointment, "He is haunting his wife. He loves her so much that he would rather not acknowledge us or Hell, my dearest Rosemary Annette." Rosemary Annette was strangely enough smaller than Bella Graven Allure. Her brown? eyes looked to Batty with sympathy. She couldn't help herself. She wished he understood why he needed to go near the light of the lantern.

The Tragedy of Batty Bloodworth and Cherry SherbertWhere stories live. Discover now