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Cherry Sherbert had gone to her new home in a new town. However, she was afraid she was haunted and she was beginning to figure out who. Cherry noticed a lot of pieces of paper would fly out randomly and suddenly have writing all over them. Sherbert knew the writing style as her Bloodworth.

She had an idea of who was doing this but... No idea how to reply back.

That's when she got an idea!

The pink red panda took a napkin, a pen, and some tape. She wrote, "Batty Bloodworth, is that you?" Then she waited in a chair nearby. The napkin suddenly fell down and the words, "Yes, my love. It's me." A blush overcame her. It was him. It was her husband.

The black eyed lady overcame her feelings of love to alert him of a pressing issue. "Batty, Your family is likely still looking for me. We have to keep running at least until interspecies marriage is legal or your parents die." The black vampire bat with a green belly was silent for a moment then suddenly took a paper from the printer and wrote as fast as he could, "You run, I'll deal with my parents. Their deaths will come sooner rather than later. I promise you this."

It gave her a tingle of chills but she wrote back, "What are you going to do?"

"I met a demonic duck, they promised me power if I go to Hell. I'll gladly save you of this ghostly fate by sacrificing my time in Heaven."

Cherry Sherbert scribbled her words as fast as she could, "You can't go to Hell, let me finish this by myself. I'm stronger than you, I'm strong enough to handle this by myself." She was breathing hard as the panic set in. Batty Bloodworth replied just below her own words, "This is my sin to bear, you deserve to go to heaven. As a vampire, blood is already on my hands."

The Tragedy of Batty Bloodworth and Cherry SherbertWhere stories live. Discover now