29. Letter Exchange

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Dear half-brother,

Tell father I'm fine, and I do not need his protection. A man doesn't grow unless he faces some danger. So, threatening situations will only benefit me. I will not be going home as I plan to stay here and find evidence; I'm not satisfied with the current explanation of Victoria's death, put forth by the police and the school's guards.

Your powerful sister,

Princess Anne


Dear Idiotic Sister of mine,

You don't realize that you're in danger and are as vulnerable as a naked worm in a school of fish. Do not investigate the Trents; you do not have the knowledge or the skill to do such a thing discretely. People spend their lives training to be detectives; they don't just wake up one morning and decide to do it. Your stubborn ignorance puts not only you in danger but your family as well. Cease and desist whatever imaginary game you're playing.

Your concerned brother,

Prince Mark.


Dear Brother Who Likes To Tell Everyone What To Do Despite Not Being Heir,

It must hurt your ego to know that you'll never be king, so you feel the need to hold onto whatever power Father gives you and abuse it. I find it faintly disturbing that you imagined me naked. I am your sister, after all, and that is inappropriate.

Anyhow, my searches have been discrete so far, and I haven't alerted the Trents. As for your requests for me to stop my imaginary game, we're all called to do different things, and right now, I'm called to investigate corrupted nobles and find out how far the rot has spread and what it means for our family.


Your beautiful Sister Who You Really Shouldn't Imagine Naked,

Princess Anne


Dear Idiot Sister of Mine,

When have I ever imagined you naked? Or do you actually identify as something as insignificant as a worm? Do what you want but have the intelligence to find some way to disguise yourself while you're investigating. I'll be at your school in about a week because I'm one of the elites chosen to guard the sword, and Father has asked me to bring you back with me. We'll meet soon. I would be grateful if I could bring home more than your corpse.

Your brother,

Prince Mark


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