Under the waves

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Where we left off: Skull tore off his shoes, socks, bandana, and shirt off onto the ground and dove into the waters. "Headphones... I'm coming."

Headphones felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her waist as she fell into the warm ocean waters. She immediately grabbed her assailant's arms and started thrashing about trying to get free from his grasp. Next thing she knew, her assailant started swimming away from the beach dragging her along, as she was dragged along, she didn't see his legs but a... fishtail? After they were a small distance away, he turned her around, so they were face to face. When Headphones saw his face, she froze, the glasses, his hair fixed to the side, and that little smile he would give her when they were hanging out.

"H-Half-rim!?" Headphones thought as she looked him up and down in disbelief.

He still had his signature glasses and hairstyle, but other than that he had a whole new look. His ink color was turquoise making his hair and eyes turquoise, he was wearing a lighter one-sleeve shirt with a white crescent moon charm on the middle of the neckline, and the back of the shirt was a little longer than the front. With three white curve lines starting on the front and going to the back. But the most startling thing was that instead of having legs Half-rim now had a mermaid tail, fins on his arms, and fin-like ears.

"How are you here? What happened to you?" Headphones though, her head starting to fill with questions.

But her thoughts were interrupted when she felt his arm go around her waist and was dragged closer to him, using his free hand to caress her cheek. Headphones felt her face get a little warm, along with a slight burning in her chest. Half-rim smirked and started to lean in, she couldn't handle it anymore. Putting her hands on his chest she pushed him away, she could feel her lungs burning for air.

"I can't die like this, my friends... will anyone find me!?" she thought, desperately clawing through the water struggling to get to the surface.

The full moon shone a pale light through the water.

"Please... not like this... I can't..."

Headphones could feel her arms and legs getting heavier making it more difficult to move. She looked up at the shining moon overhead, her vision was dimming, and desperately reached out her arm to the slowly darkening light. As she began to fade out she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist from behind, pulling her into an embrace.

"I'm still here for you... just close your eyes and just dream." Half-rim whispered into her ear.

Grabbing her chin between his thumb and index finger he turned her, so she was somewhat facing him, leaning in he pressed his lips against hers lovingly. Two white glowing outlines appeared on both sides of her neck in the shape of gills. After a few seconds, the white glow was replaced with a solid navy blue, filling in the outlines. Pulling back, Half-rim smiled a self-satisfied smile as the outlines finished filling in with navy blue. Headphones unconscious form stirred a little then relaxed as she began to breathe, little air bubbles leaving her mouth as she began to breathe normally. He let go of her chin, letting her head rest against his shoulder.

"Everything is fine Headphones," Half-rim whispered to her as he planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'll take care of you."

Skull broke through the water, breathing heavily as he looked around. It had been six minutes since Headphones fell in and when he dove in after her, he still couldn't find her. Grabbing the edge of the shore he hoisted himself onto the stone beach and laid down on his back, taking a few more deep breaths he sat back up looking out into the ocean.

"Where is she?" Skull thought, dread starting to build "She fell in near the edge so she shouldn't be that far from the shore, but I checked where she fell in and around where she fell, so where is she!?"

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