When I Met Her

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(During Skull's flashback/story Skull is about 11 years old and hasn't turned into his humanoid form yet. )

Skull, Headphones, Norman, and Jasper appeared in Skull's bedroom.

"Headphones were not finished discussing your follies, but I have some matters to attend to," Norman said, pulling a business card from his jacket pocket and handing it to Headphones. "This is my office's address starting Tuesday you will be joining Skull in reporting there two times a week."

"Ok," she softly muttered, taking the card and looking it over.

"Well, good-"

"Norman, I'm sorry I messed up," Headphones lowered her head. "I disappointed you."

"I wouldn't say that worried is the more accurate term," Norman turned to look back at her. "Look, don't get me wrong, I'm not one to sit back on work so don't expect this kind of help all the time, got it?"

Headphones smiled and nodded.

"See ya, kids,"

With that, Norman and Jasper were gone in a haze of smoke. Skull released a tired sigh as he fell backward onto his bed, startling Headphones.

"What the hell was Norman thinking?" Skull ranted, covering his eyes with his arms. "I mean, I'm used to that bag of bones sending me to do his job, but I never dealt with a possession before!"

"Well, I think we did pretty well," Headphones said, taking a seat next to him on the bed. "I just wish we could have saved her, you know?"

"I feel yea, but I think she was beyond help at that point." Skull sat back up and stretched out his arms.

They both sat there in silence, Headphones thought back to everything that happened. She had saved her best friend, fought a ghost, fought for her life, and performed a somewhat exorcism so it was safe to say she had enough for one night. Headphones kept thinking back to the ghost's story, how she was betrayed by her best friend and lover, along with her warning Headphones and Skull to avoid romance.

Headphones blushed remembering what Skull had said about not kissing anyone and how he almost kissed her.

"Anyways, I guess I should let the others know I'm back," Skull said, pushing himself off the bed to stand up.

Before Skull could take a single step, Headphones grabbed his hand, stopping him. Skull looked to Headphones to find her looking up at him with beautiful blue eyes. His hand was tingling from the contact, and he felt his throat drying up. He could feel his face heating up.


"Skull, I almost forgot to give you back your phone," she said, handing him back his phone.

Skull felt his hopes crash down as he took back his phone while muttering a 'thanks', but she wouldn't let go of his hand.

"Skull...can I ask you something?" she was looking at him with serious eyes.

He nodded, sitting back down on the bed, still holding her hand.

Headphones took a deep breath. "Skull, when did you start seeing ghosts?"

Skull was quiet and squeezed Headphone's hand while he tried to find the right words. He intertwined his fingers with hers, taking the opportunity to get more contact and enjoying it.

"You don't have to tell me if-"

"No, no, you deserve to know when it started, especially now that we're going to be working together," Skull said, turning to her.

Headphones let go of Skull's hand, and with him looking down in mild disappointment, she adjusted herself into a more comfy position.

"It isn't a school night," she smiled at him. "We got all night."

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