On The Job Pt.2

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(Warning: this chapter contains mentions of suicide, strong language, and depression.)

"Oh my Cod," Headphones muttered, looking at her best friend in horror "Bobbles..."

Skull and Jasper looked at each other and both gave a knowing nod.

"We have to help he-"

"No, your staying put." Skull firmly stated

"I'll be fine, Bobbles ne-"

"Like hell, I'm letting you go down there and face her, from what we've seen she's not friendly." Skull countered.

"Jasper, what can we do?" Headphones pleaded, looking at Jasper with desperate eyes.

"Nothing," Jasper sighed "I'm sorry Headphones, but you both aren't ready to deal with a possession yet. I'll fetch Norman... I'm sorry for wasting your time."

With that Jasper had wisped away as though a gust of wind had blown her away as that of a dandelion on a breezy summer day.

"So, we're just going to leave her like this?" Headphones muttered, in defeat with tears prickling her eyes.

Skull felt his heart break a little seeing Headphones stare at her best friend in horror and despair.

"There's nothing we can do," Skull said, trying to persuade her "Norman will take care of this, we just need to lay low till he gets here."

No matter how hard she tried, Headphones couldn't look away from the horrid scene before her. Panic and urgency surges through her; there was no telling what that bridezilla was capable of, especially now that she was using Bobble Hat as a puppet. Anger began to surface in Headphones, her best friend who was like the sister she never had was possessed by a vengeful spirit and there was no way she could simply wait it out.

"Hey! Don't think you can just waltz out of here!" Headphones angrily yelled at a possessed Bobbles

Skull flinched at Headphone's sudden outburst, he had never seen Headphones this angry before; she was always known as the kind-hearted Inkling, and it was rare for her to get this angry.

"Oh, she has friends, great..." the ghost muttered to herself, her back turned to them.

"Why don't you just leave Bobbles alone and try to talk it out, okay?" Headphones yelled

"I'm just borrowing it, I'm not going to hurt her." the ghost countered

"Kind of hard to believe you, just get out of her body and leave the living to live." 

"Headphonnneess" Skull stressfully whispered to her

"That's no-can-do girl, got some revenge that needs to be taken care of first." Giving Headphones and Skull a side look with a creepy smile.

"We can't let you do that, I'm all for justice and everything, but not till you leave Bobbles alone." Headphones firmly stated, trying to stand her ground.

"Is this what you're trying to do, offer help? How sweet." the ghost snickered

"Look, we don't want any trouble, but if you make a move towards her, I'll make you regret it." Skull threatened while covering Headphone's mouth to keep her from saying anything else.

"Tell me, boy, have you ever been in love? Do you know what it's like to give another everything? Does either of you know the pain of betrail? Especially from the one who you thought was your best friend?" the ghost said, now facing and glaring right at them.

An image of an angry Vintage walking away with a worried and sad Omega following behind flashed through Skull's head. When he had left his two friends behind, it took some time for the guilt to set in and he deeply regretted his actions.

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