Chapter 4

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A dark silhouette approaches me, as I toss and turn trying to escape. They put their cold, icy hands on my shoulders, and drop my immobile body into what feels like the most uncomfortable wheelchair. I wasn’t expecting luxury, but I’m sure this is just two cold pieces of metal and wheels. I’ve been sitting here for at least five seconds now, but my back is already killing me.

My mind has already turned to mush, and I’m too tired to think. I give up trying to escape and fight, even if I somehow did manage to get out of here, they would just find me again. The small bar windows that make this look like a jail, paired with the striped motel-looking ripped tan and dull red wallpaper, and the creepy dim yellow lighting are really putting me on edge.

For what felt like forever, we went down this hallway, the only noise was the sound of the old, rusty wheels on this chair. Finally, we turn a corner and there is an old wooden door waiting for us. Whatever is behind me stops pushing me and walks in front of me to open the metal door. I can’t see them because of what they are wearing, but their outline resembles that of a human.

Inside I see another dark room except for the dim light in the middle of the room. 6 people surround the candle, leaving a space in between them big enough for one more person to fit. I am rolled to the center of the circle with the candle burning very dimly next to me. The mysterious figure pulls down it’s hood as I sit on the edge of my seat.
Short blonde hair, pale skin, and glasses.

It’s clear this is Ms. Caroline.

Author Update:

Hello everyone! I know it's been almost 2 years since I updated this story because I decided it was bad and I wanted to be done. But I think I'm gonna keep trying to make it work. Expect more updates soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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