Chapter 1

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My eyes snap open at nine in the morning. I know for sure I got enough sleep, but I feel like I'm going to pass out from exhaustion. I've been feeling like this for the past month, and I still can't figure out why. I've tried sleep studies, medication, pretty much anything you can think of. I go to sleep at eight, so why does ten hours of sleep feel like two?

I go to my bathroom and look in the mirror. I look just how I'm feeling. Messy black hair, half-closed bloodshot eyes, and a slouched stance. I feel my stomach growl, and I slowly start making my way into the kitchen. Dad already has breakfast ready, and I plop down into my seat. We eat in silence. Ever since mom left, my dad and I don't talk a lot. I glance at the TV, and I see a recent news story about a grown man who was murdered last night. I try starting a conversation about it. "Oh no... that's horrible. Don't you think dad?" He responds with a mumble I can't decipher.

After breakfast, I hop on the school bus and ride to school. Today it's raining, so I look out the fogged window and put in earbuds. I don't have a lot of friends, so this is my usual routine. But today, a girl with short chestnut hair and beautiful hazel eyes sat next to me. I've never seen her in the halls at school, maybe she is new? I decide to say hello. She quickly turns around to face me, then she says hi back. With nothing else to talk about, the conversation drops. So, we ride awkwardly to school.

I walk into my class and sit down. Ms. Caroline is talking about something I can't understand, because I'm still feeling like a zombie. In what seems like a second, school is done. I'm still in the same classroom, but it's dark out and everybody is gone. Ms. Caroline has a frightened look on her face. I try getting up, but both arms and legs are chained to the desk. My teacher just glares at me. I break the silence.

"hey, let me go!" But she doesn't respond. She approaches me trying to be calm and collected, but I see the fear in her eyes. She asks,
"do you remember anything?" I still have no idea what she is talking about.

"Remember what?"

"What you did in class today."

"Well yeah, I was sleeping. I always crash in class, why are you saying something about it now?"

She gives me a concerned look. "Well. In the middle of class, you got up from your nap and stood up. I told you to sit back down. You didn't listen. You walked to the corner of the room, then stood there all day, and you didn't even flinch when we had to keep you here for safety purposes."

"Sleepwalking?" I questioned. "no, I don't sleepwalk like that. That is ridiculous. This has to be some sort of sick prank." "No, I assure you this is a serious matter. We will be calling your parent and recommending you a sleep pill that is proven to work amazing on other sleepwalking freaks like you." She finally lets me out of this creepy class and gives my phone back.

It's already ten at night. Is it even legal to keep me at school that long? I get back home, and I set up a camera. Ms. Caroline is probably delusional, but just in case, I'll take the pill. What harm can it do? So I take the pill, then fall into a deep sleep.

Note from the author: I'm a beginner writer, this is the first novel I've started. Any constructive criticism from more experienced people would be appreciated!

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