Chapter 2

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I wake up feeling nothing different than usual. no, even worse. So much worse. I sit in bed for a while because I think this is the worst pain I've ever felt. I feel this sharp pain in my stomach. I've never felt something this painful. I curl up into a ball and start to cry. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to imagine I'm anywhere but here.

I walk, hunched over, holding my stomach over to the camera and check the footage. Just looks like me sleeping. So, Ms. Caroline is delusional. I’m not surprised. I slow down the footage, and I see a little bit of movement, and in a blink of an eye, I see myself sit up at a ninety-degree angle and before I can even comprehend what just happened, I was at my desk. I grab a pair of scissors, then walk over to the camera. My sinister face curves into a smile as I walk out of the room, leaving until about five minutes before I woke up this morning. The scissors are covered in blood. 

I sprinted downstairs in a panic, but everything it's quiet, like most mornings. The kitchen windows are open, and my dad is sitting, reading the newspaper, drinking his morning coffee. The soft morning light calmed my nerves, but only for a second. I give my dad a hug. I'm so relieved I didn’t hurt him. I don’t know what I’d do without him. I think I caught him off guard because we are usually so distant. I grab a bag of chips for breakfast and run out the door, looking for anything that could point to what happened last night.

I get on the bus, and sit in my usual seat, quietly panicking. The same girl from yesterday sits down next to me. Maybe she wants to be friends? Anyways, I have more important things to worry about currently, like who's blood that was on those scissors. My thoughts are interrupted by her monotone voice.

“My name is Alice...what’s your name?”

“Oh, my name is Elijah."

"Check your left sleeve."

She says in a dead serious tone. I glance down at my sleeve not knowing what to expect. The left sleeve of my favorite green jacket is soaked with blood. She stares at my sleeve with a solid expression. Before I could say another word, we had already arrived at school.

I stuff my jacket into my coat, and rush into the school trying to find any hints on what could’ve happened. My heart is racing as I try to forget about my stomach ache and run through the school halls. I don't want to live this insane reality. I just want to go home. Is that too much to ask for?

The vice principle glances at me, and yells at me to slow down, and I do a 180 to face her. She looks furious. All I did was run in the hall; rules are usually never this strict. I follow her to the principal's office. As we walk, I think about how unrealistic this all is, like I’m living some twisted fairytale. I just need to think more optimistic. It’s not like I’m some murder, I know that for sure..right?

Before my thoughts overwhelm me, I black out.

Hehe here's a cliffhanger (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ well I hope you enjoyed, comments, votes, and follows are all highly appreciated!!

As I Sleep // draftOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz