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Naruto pov:

The sound of the alarm going off bothers me I sit up and look over to a sleeping uchiha and smile then gently kissing his forehead I then get up turn turning it off and walking into the bathroom it's been 6 weeks since I moved in and 12 weeks since I found out I was pregnant I really am happy I'm having his baby I wash up get ready and shake sasuke gently he groans and says "five more minutes.." I giggle to my self and continue to shake him to wake up he opens his eyes slowly meeting mine "good morning baby" I say pecking his lips and he just smiles a bit "good morning my love" he said and lays his head on my lap I stroke his hair and kiss him again he looks at my stomach and gently rubs it I smile at the sight of him being so gentle knowing he's just so cold but with us he isn't "hey baby I need to get up I need to go to work" I say he groans and looks up at me frowning "can't you take paternity leave? Just til u have the baby" he ask I nod my head " I would but I need to help with money financially" I say scratching my head knowing the answer "babe you don't need to my parents own the biggest company in the world and are like extremely rich" he says and I sigh "fine I'll take paternity leave but we are still going to school ok?" I said and he just nodded I then stood up and changed I laid down laying on sasuke chest and cuddling him as we watched tv for a few hours that was til that pink bubble gum hair bitch burst through the doors I sigh and just bury my nose in the crook of sasuke neck since he had no shirt on "hi sasuke-kun!" She yelled as she sat on his lap which irked me "hey bubble gum hair bitch get off my man" I pushed her off of him she growled lowly "who are you to tell me what to do hmph!" I rolled my eyes and laid back down sasuke had one arm wrapped around me and one on my stomach feeling the tiny baby bumped that barely even showed 

Author pov:

Sakura just glared at naruto for taking what's hers she got up and walked to the bathroom naruto made his way in between sasukes leg and pulled out his rock hard member "you got hard just from me defending you?~" naruto teased and kisses the tip making sasuke grunt in pleasure naruto then took his whole member  in his mouth and started to bop his head up and down causing sasuke moan a bit after a while sasuke cummed in naruto mouth which naruto gladly swallowed  and sitting up smiling sasuke just chuckled and pulled up his own pants then cuddles naruto "sasuke-kun~" Sakura said as she walked into the room in the most revealing outfit in the world "what are you trying to show off? How flat you are" naruto said and sasuke chuckled at the statement Sakura got angry and stormed off leaving them to cuddle soon enough they both fell asleep again naruto laying on saskue chest while cuddling and sasuke holding naruto itachi took a few pictures "perfect now I can blackmail him" itachi whispered to him self and left quietly  the next day it was Monday the worst day in they're life

I'll always be with you| a sasunaru fanfic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora