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No one pov:

The girls were laughing at how neji pulled kiba onto his lap and kissed him and the rest were having fun soon the limo came to a stop Sasuke picked up a sleeping naruto and got out the rest got out and followed "hey wait Sakura we can't run in heels!" Hinata said as she took her heels off and ran after Sakura ino did the same the boys just laughed "well this sure is gonna be a night" kiba said "what a drag" shikamaru said as well "well let's make the most out it man!" Kiba said as he put a arm on shikamarus shoulder "whatever" shikamaru said as he walked with the other soon naruto woke up and was talking with the girls "you should ask him out I'm sure he likes you to" naruto said to ino "but sai probably doesn't even wanna go on a date!" Ino complained the girls were already in night ware and the boys to the girls just wore shorts and a matching shirt the boys just wore joggers and and white shirt some just wore joggers and some just wore black night attire "why don't we watch a movie! Ooo or play games or do something fun!" The girls said the boys sighed and agreed "let's watch a movie alright?" Shikamaru said "fine fine your just not up to a challenge that's all!" Sakura said as she crossed her arms "oh are you challenging me" shikamaru said with a vain popping out his forehead "yea so what!" Sakura teased "fine let's play a game!" Shikamaru said "alright then it's settled a game it is!" Naruto said while smiling "but what game?" He said confused "hm how about spin the bottle and the person who spins the bottle and it lands on someone they have to do the pocky challenge!" Sakura said they agreed but sasuke wasn't so sure of it "can't we play a different game?" Sssuke said in a cold tone "no! We are playing this game" ino said "tchh whatever." Sasuke said as they all sat in a circle naruto sat next to Sasuke "ok hmmm naruto you first!" Sakura said "hm oh ok" naruto said as he spun the bottle it landed on sai both naruto and ino looked uncomfortable "just get it over with" Sakura said naruto sighed and grabbed a pocky knowing he's gonna regret it later he walked to sigh and put an end of the pocky in his mouth ssi did the same and they both started eating it naruto sss going at a slow paste cause he didn't wanna kiss sai but that quickly changed when sai ate the pocky pulled naruto head
Close and kissed him on the other hand naruto is trying to push sai off as tears ran down his face "hey hey off Him dude!" Kiba quickly got up along with shikamaru neji and sasuke Kiba got sai off and held him down with neji while shikamaru and Sasuke comforted naruto ino was angry at sai for doing that she got naruto something to eat and Sakura comforted naruto as well "hey it's ok calm down he's not gonna touch u." Sasuke whispered into naruto ear comforting him after like 3 hours naruto calmed down and cuddled into Sasuke "I think it's best we don't play this game again" Sakura said as she sat down along with the rest they kicked sai out as well "why don't we watch a movie im sure that will lighten the mood" ino said as she placed snacks down in the coffee table "yea sure." Naruto said in a hoarse tone from crying a lot ino smiles and put a movie on naruto felt better and was watching it while Sasuke had his hand on naruto stomach then headlights flashed in the driveway sssuke got curious and looked to his surprise it was his brother and parents "who's there Sasuke?" Choji asked "it's my parents." He said kinda worried since they hate having they're house a mess ino Sakura choji shikamaru neji Kiba hinata and Sasuke quickly cleaned up and moved to his room naruto laid on Sasuke bed cuddling the bear he got him "naruto you ok you seem pale" ino asked "yea just feeling like throwing up" naruto said as soon as he said that he rushed to the bathroom and puked his guts out

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