He found out

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No one P.O.V.

Every since Aliyah and Ernesto had sex they can not stop they already did it for two weeks straight and August is starting to know something different about Aliyah getting a bigger ass she doesn't get home on time and she been skipping classes. So she walk in the kitchen and everyone was eating breakfast.

Aliyah: good morning guys...

Anthony: someone is happy.

Aliyah: well yes cause today I'm chillin.

August: before all that me, you, and your mother needs to talk.

Aliyah: about what?

August: can you guys leave us alone quick.

They all left and Aliyah sat down on the chair.

Melanie: baby girl we have been getting a lot of phone calls from school.

Aliyah: and...

Melanie: and what the he'll is going on? Why you skipping school first off second you cursing back at teachers and you go to school late looking high and smell like weed...

Aliyah: I don't go to school high that's dumb and I walk to school that's why I'm always late and plus I don't skip school.

August: Aliyah don't fucking lie to us... who is this Ernesto boy HUH?

Aliyah: I don't know who you talking about.

August: you know who the fuck I'm talking about Aliyah we been hearing his name pop up everywhere in your problems.

Aliyah: you don't need to know who he is.

August: you sure about that.

Aliyah: yeah...

August: guest what your not chillin today you gonna go to the doctors and check some things so get prepare.

Aliyah: fine... you now what I really don't care if I get in trouble when you find out things that is only to me.

She left and so did Melanie they all went in the car and they went to the doctors they waited for there name to be called and they went in.

Dr. Smith: so what are we here for?

August: we are here to take some tests for Aliyah...

Dr. Smith: okay... smoke and... oh virgnity.

August: yes ma'am.

Dr.Smith: alright...

She toke Aliyah and they was taking the tests and she wasn't positive for smoking but she did lost her virginity.

Dr.Smith: when did you lose your virginity?

Aliyah: on my birthday which was three weeks ago... please don't tell my mama and dad because they'll freak out and dad won't let me see him again.

Dr.Smith: do you k ow what that causes Aliyah? Many things I'm not gonna list cause there a lot... I'm not gonna them but you are today right now.

Aliyah was scared... she didn't know what to do or say...  so her and the Doctor w e'er my back to the room where Melanie and August is at.

August: well...

Dr.Smith: your daughter is negative on smoking... but she needs to tell you something.

They both waited while Aliyah stand there innocent... she took a deep breath in and let it out.

Aliyah: I lost my virginity...

August: WHAT?

Melanie: hold up okay... you lying right... please tell me she lying Doctor Smith...

She shuck her head no and Aliyah put her hands on her heard and August was piss...

August: who did you lose it to?

Aliyah: I'm not gonna tell you cause you won't let me see him anymore and maybe if not break up with him.

August: wait you to go out... let me guest that boy your teachers be popping up... what's his name oh... Ernesto.

Aliyah: yeah it is him... please dad... we been going out for two years and... ( interrupted )

August: I really don't want to hear it... we're going home.

They left home... once they got home Aliyah got out and ran inside the house she went to her room and lock herself in there crying. Then Melanie unlock it and went inside and close it she see Aliyah crying her eyes out she sat down on the edge of the bed she began to speak but august broke knob the door.


Melanie: she not gonna answer if your yelling August.


Aliyah: I'm sorry dad it was...

Before she even said her last words he walk up to her and slap her across her face she held it and began to cry more.

Melanie: AUGUST!!!

August: don't except nothing from me Aliyah... you keep putting yourself in danger...

Aliyah look up and spoke...

Aliyah: I hate you...

They was both shock at what she said Melanie was in the verge of crying and AUGUST was piss he just left and Melanie try to help Aliyah but she back up.

Aliyah: GET OUT!!! I DON'T NEED YOU!!!

Melanie got up and walk out before she was gonna speak Aliyah slammed the door on her face and began to cry. Melanie went to there room and saw August sitting on his chair.

Melanie: you didn't had to do that...

August: what you think she gonna listen.

Melanie: she was apologizing until you smack the shit out of her.

August: that's what she deserve...

Melanie: she didn't deserve that... you needed to understand that she needs us... we just got her back not to long ago I don't want to lose her again... I can't believe you did that.

August: what you expected me to do? She need it for her life... anyway she can't be acting like she got freedom to do whatever she wants. 

Melanie: I know but...

August: I don't want her to turn out like you okay.

Melanie: what you trying to say? There a difference sweetie I got rape and abuse when I was young clearly you wasn't there cause you left okay so watch you fucking mouth.

Melanie started to cry she sat on the bed and buried her head in her hands August didn't even realize what he said after she cried he sat next to her and she move away.

Melanie: don't you ever say that... you don't know what the fuck I been through when I was young for you to say that...

August: i'm sorry baby...

Melanie: just go... you gonna sleep downstair.

He got up and walk downstairs... he sat on the e'er couch and thought to himself.

August: damn what have I done?

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