Chapter 1: The First Day

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Well, today is the first school day, hurray! Today I have been 12.class(idk how it called). That means... new friends, new groups aaand new teachers. Maybe I meet some "old" friends. Well let's get changed to the school uniform.
-I'M COMING MOTHER! (his mother Kingdom of Hungary)
I runned down the stairs and grab the food from the table. And I almost forgot to get my backpack. Luckly I didn't late from the school bus. And yes, if anybody want's to ask me, I'm blind... AS 18 YEARS OLD. (Anyways let's go back to the story). So I sit down next to the Fascist Italy. He was kind to me and me too, and at the first day, my first friend! 5 seconds later we arrived to the school. I checked the papers wich class did i got. 12.E, Mr.Roman class, it's a good class, I think. So I finally found the classroom, there was a little bit chaos. Fascist Italy, Japan Empire and 3rd Reich mas been maked paperplanes and trow to USSR. Napoleonic France has been eated a croissant with Kingdom of Portugal. And lastly Ottoman and Greece has been started ALMOST a class war. I have no coice, I tried to calm down Ottoman, and it worked! And finally I sit down next to Kindgom of Bulgaria. The 1st class is math with the Holy Roman Empire. He has been talked so much s#¡£. After it stopped, I think German Empire was a little bit lonely, so I goed to him and a talked a little bit to him.
-Hello! How are you?
-Oh.. Uhh I'm good. You?
-I'm fine! Anyways, wants some cookies? I got some in my backpack.
The German has been(i think) a little bit blushed. Maybe he likes somebody in the class? Idk. So i grabbed two cookies from my backpack, and after i put down my backpack, France stealed my backpack.
-Or what blindy?
-I-i... uhhh
I tried to not cry front the class, somehow, and finally the Roman Empire has been came in the room.
-What's going on here?
-Nothing Mr.Roman
-Austro-Hungarian Monarcy, why are you crying? Could anybody explain what happend?
German Empire has been standed up and explain everything.
-Mr.Roman, Austria-Hungary has been bullied by Napoleonic France, and that's why he's crying.
-Miss Napoleonic France, do you want at the first day a dettention?
-No sir!
And after this shortly explained problem, the class has been started. I smiled at German Empire, and i said quetly a "thank you" to him. He is smiled back at me. Well not a good first day, but it was good. I'm waiting what will happening at the second day.

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