Burnt Pierogies, How Dare You Jeff:

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Jeff's POV:

HAHAHAHA! FUCK YOU TOBY! I quickly grab the bag of pierogies out the freezer and yeet them in out oversized microwave and put it on high for 15 minutes. Vengeance for throwing frozen waffles at me this morning! I run out the kitchen, outside, and sit in a tree waiting for the show to start.

~~15 minutes later~~

I jump up I the branch I'm on when I see the microwave thrown out the window, windows being forced open and other pastas jumping out, and after that settles down Slender comes out with the younger Pastas on him, I am literally laughing my ass off as Toby is clinging to Masky for dear life as he coughs.

"JEFF! ARE YOU BEHIND THIS?!" Slender shouts in my head, I grasp the sides of my head and wince.

"Yeah? So what!" I bite back.

"Jeff what is wrong with you?!" Masky ask

"Are you on crack?! What the fuck!" BEN shouts at me. The comments go on as the mansion airs put. About a hour later we go back in, as that happens I take the chance to do the first thing that pops in my gorgeous head.

"FUCK YOU TOBY!" I shout as I "lightly tap" Toby in the back of the head and bolt.

"WHAT T.....THE F-FUCK JEFF!" Toby yells behind me, I just snicker and camp in my room, Slender shouting at me in my head for hours. Long story short, Slender took away my knife privileges for a month. To bad he doesn't know I have a stash at my hideout! Fuck you, you faceless oversized, two-legged, bald ass octopus!

(Yeah....burnt pierogies...)

Jeff Specials Cause Of Something I Said I'd Do!Where stories live. Discover now