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How did life change so fast?

It seemed to be a question I asked quite frequently. Between moving around, and netting other people every few months, change happened often. My family-composed of your typical people- moved because of my mom's job. My dad was a nurse, my mother a wealthy business woman, and my brother... a delinquent. That's right. The Agostinelli clan is bringing absolutely no excitement to the new town.

When one thinks California, you get sunshine, LA, the beach. Stereotypical things. When one thinks Beacon Hills, what come to mind? The stereotypes. But, Beacon Hills is not anywhere near that.

Beacon Hills is the exact opposite. Nice outside, but a smaller town than expected. You wouldn't think a business woman would come to a town like Beacon Hills, but unfortunately, that's where she chose.

Beacon Hills, California.

It's got a ring to it. Kind of. Not really.

But, I welcomed the new home in a car with my mother, while dad drove the moving truck with Sam.

"Oh, Ylva it'll be great!" My mom said, her usual bright smile showing.

I rolled my eyes, looking out to the browning trees, "You say that every time, but we never stay long enough to enjoy the shitty places you choose."

"Watch your mouth, young lady!" She shrieked, "Where did that come from?"

"The deepest pits of my darkened soul." I grumbled.

As much as it sounds, I am not emo, or goth. I'm just a nerd who really doesn't belong in the perfect, apple pie life. I belong in Supernatural, or Star Wars. Not what I'm in. Everything is way too fairytale-like, and nothing but moving happens. You'd truly think it'd be nice... but it gets lonely.

I learned awhile ago not to get too close with the people you're around for two months. It makes for a heartbreaking leave.

The worst part of it all?

School. Every few months, you're the new kid. And, luckily, this year, it's not the middle of the year. It's the beginning of my sophomore year. The beginning. Not the middle. For once, my mom picked a nice time.

It's always new houses, too. Those stopped bothering me after awhile.

This new house that soon came into view seemed smaller than usual. Two level, basement, and basic paint.

like everything else in town. Normal, and unoriginal.

Sighing, I got out of the car, grabbing my duffel from the trunk. This was just basic needs. A few sets of clothing, deodorant, stuff for showers, hair ties, Bobby pins, and a book or two. The phone and ear buds are safe in the front pocket of my Hoodie, along with chapstick.

A few minutes after mom and I pulled up, dad backed in with the moving truck. More crap to move with. Yay.

"Ready?" Mom asked, pulling out the keys. We all nodded, and she opened up the house.

Already furnished, and nicely painted. Usual.

"I call first pick!" Sam shouted, pushing his way up to the second floor.

I turned to my parents, "Please tell me the basement is finished."

My dad smiled, "Of course, sunshine."

I mumbled a "thank god." The basement was mine. There are a lot more plus sides to being in a basement. I don't have to listen to Sam snore his nights away.

I dropped my crap, and went up to the moving truck. I looked to see what there was to see. Across the street, two boys caught my eye. One with a short buzzcut, and really twitchy movements, and the other with shaggy brown hair, and an offset jaw. The second boy seemed to be ignoring his friends' words. Well, I shouldn't say boys. More like pre-pubescent teen. Who knows.

I wonder what it'd be like if I stayed around long enough for something like that.

I sighed. Daydreaming is not an okay thing, here, I thought to myself.

Buzzcut caught me staring, and spazzed to his buddy. Both stared at me, but I broke under pressure. I looked down, and hurriedly grabbed two boxes. The joy of moving.


A few hours was all that I needed to unpack, and finish unpacking the rest of the house. Which, by the way, would've been faster if Sam wasn't trying to help. He seems to slow everything down. Even though he's older than I am, I seemed to get the brains of the family. A year was the only difference... Eh, he seems younger.

"Hun, why don't you get out... go see the town." My mom tapped my shoulder.

I set my book on the coffee table, glancing at the resting hand on my shoulder. Sighing, I stood, "Let me take two minutes. I'll be back by then."

Mom sighed, and shook her head, "Be back before nine."

I rolled my eyes, and pulled on my beat up vans. Sight seeing it is.

Seeming how the weather was still nice, I just grabbed a house key, jammed it in my pocket, and plugged my ear buds in.

"Adrenalize" by In This Moment began loudly into the mini speakers. I started my blind walk to the town. Well, actually, the edge of the woods. What? Woods seemed so much more interesting.

Maybe I'll find a dead body, or something, I thought. Uncover some secrets. I looked back at the road, and saw a beat up blue jeep coming towards me. I kept my music in, and blindly stared. The jeep jerked to the side of the road, and the two boys from earlier came out of the Jeep.

Before a conversation could start, I started to make my way into the woods. My music drowned out voices and footsteps. But, my short legs couldn't walk any faster than the two teens. A hand grabbed my shoulder. I sighed, and stopped, making buzzcut run into me.

I pulled the ear buds out, "Why are you stalking me?" I turned, crossing my arms.

Buzzcut raised his hands in defeat, "Nice to meet you, too. I'm Stiles, and this is Scott."

I rolled my eyes. Buzzcut had his sarcasm over the top, "I don't have time for sentimental crap."The boys seemed surprised, "Can I continue my journey?"

Without conversing more, I just turned, and plugged my ears with my music. Another hand gripped my shoulder, "What?"

"Want some company?" Stiles asked.

"No." I stated.

They seemed to give up, because my journey continued without interruption. Sadly, darkness seemed to loom over the woods, and everything was dark. I checked the time, 8 PM. I still have an hour.

The loudness of my music drowned out the crunching leaves and stuff. I kept my head down, and continued walking. The flat land turned into a hill, and I sighed.

The reserve seemed to go on for miles. I made it up to the top, and paused my music. Leaves crunched a bit. The noises got louder, and that's where I got nervous. The walk turned into a brisk jog, but the noises got loud. I ran. But, like any other blonde in a horror movie, I fell. Yes, I have a list of times I've fallen over my own feet, but this wasn't the case.

I looked at the large bump on the ground. The leaves were sloppily placed. I shakily removed some, and saw something I was hoping I'd never see.

I screamed, quickly standing. The gray eyes, and pale skin of a woman made me keep staring. The scream didn't stop. But, my brain did tell my legs to run. So, I closed my mouth, and ran.


A/N: in honor of Teen Wolf coming back, here it is!!!!


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