Chapter 20

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 Walking around an almost full hospital wasn't the greatest feeling ever. Staying in my room wasn't either. But, when Stiles walked through the door, everything seemed like it'd be okay. Even if things were seriously going down hill.

 Oh, yes. Out of body experiences weren't fun. Hence the reason I'm walking through nurses, and nobody's hearing my shouts for help.

 When I realized it, I just moped around my room. When Stiles walked through the door, I smiled. Not my body, but the one that's floating around like a ghost.

"I need you," Stiles whispered, grabbing my hand, "please."

 I mumbled an "I wish," and sat next to him.

 We sat in silence for awhile. Stiles just gripping my hand, and taking deep breaths.

 "I remember when we first met," he gave a humorless chuckle, "you weren't keen on meeting people while you were... doing whatever you were doing. But, I had a feeling about you. So, I kept trying. And, Dear God, am I happy I did." He paused, "I don't know why I'm talking to you. I think I read somewhere that people in a coma could still hear other people..."

 "You got that right," I sighed, wanting nothing but to reach over and hug him. I missed his touch. His smile. Everything.

 "I just want you to wake up... Get better. We're working on a way to get rid of Peter," He seemed to just mumble off random things.

 But, what he said made me a little happier, "Good... Evil bastard."

 Stiles sighed again, and kissed my knuckles, "I miss you, ya' know. Your sarcastic jokes. Ya' know, that's probably how you're going to get thrown in prison," Stiles laughed a little, "I can just imagine you saying something like that. 'What, are you gonna do, throw me in prison?'"

 Laughing, I realized that was true. If I make it through this... Don't think like that.

 In the small silence, Stiles' phone started to ring, "Crap," he answered, "Hello?"

 I could hear the conversation clearly, "Stiles, you better get your ass to the station!"


 "I told you to stay at school, Stiles!" My eyes widened. He skipped school even after his father told him not to?

 "Dad- please. I can't-"

 "No! Get your ass to the station. If you're not here in ten minutes, you're grounded." With that, his dad hung up.

 Dammit, Stiles. Seriously?

 Sighing, Stiles just leaned up, and kissed my temple. I sighed, wishing I could squeeze his hand back. But, to no avail, my hand limply fell from his hands. He turned to leave, and I sighed, wishing I could follow him out. But, I was stuck in the hospital.


 After another few hours, Sam, Scott, Allison, and Lydia came to visit.

 "Wakey, wakey, little sister," Sam said, poking me. All I felt was a numb little buzz in my side, "Come on, please." His joking tone turned sad as he sat where Stiles was a few hours ago.

 Sam grabbed my hand, and leaned his forehead on our hands. Oh, how I wish I could hold him back.

 Allison and Lydia both set bouquet's of flowers on the bedside tables. I smiled, knowing it probably phased them that I couldn't smell anything. I mean, a freaking tube was shoved down my throat, and oxygen nubs were in my nose. Yeah, all I'm smelling is sterile hospital air.

 "Sam, I know this sucks, but we gotta go. We'll see you around," Scott patted my brother's shoulder, and the three sophomores turned away.

 "Thanks, man," Sam said quietly.

 We sat in silence, and I knew the silence was because Sam didn't know how to control his emotions very well. I peeked at his eyes. They were partially closed, but tears were falling from his eyes.

 "Oh, Sammy... I'm sorry," I whispered, wanting nothing but to comfort my brother.

 He sighed, "Ya' know, one of the nurses told me that you could still hear us... Even in you're u a coma. She said it was kind of a scientific fact that you could hear us, and if we talked to you, you have a better chance at waking up... I want to test that theory."

 I smiled, "She was right about me hearing you."

 "I remember when we were kids... You used to follow me around like a lost puppy. Even though we're only a year apart, I was your idol... I remember one time, I was 9 or 10, and I was playing ball with a couple of friends... You wanted nothing more than to throw the baseball with us. When you didn't shut up, I finally let you throw the ball with us. My buddies were kind of assholes, and at one point, one of them threw it really hard, and it ended up giving you a black eye." He paused, "I felt so bad."

 I smiled, knowing these were supposed to be happy... But, with recent events, they could possibly be the last thing I hear from Sam.


 A few more days passed, and I heard nothing from anybody else. Nothing from Stiles, or Sam. It was like they'd forgotten. Not even my mom came around. But, dad... Dad couldn't even walk by the room without letting a few tears drop.

 But, family was full of surprises some times.

 "Hi, Sunshine," dad greeted from the doorway. His eyes were already puffy, "I don't know if you can hear me," he walked closer, now standing next to my bed, "but, I wanted to tell you that I love you... I-I... I needed to tell you something."

 I cocked my head, "Oh, god."

 "Ylva," he sighed, tears welling up, "I want you to be okay... Which is why," he paused, "which is why I'm telling you that it's okay if you let go."

 "What?" I almost screamed.

 "Please... Just- if you're in pain, let go. You'll be better off."

 I felt like punching him, "What the hell, dad? What the hell is your problem? You're telling me to 'let go' because you think I'm in pain? What am I gonna do? Haunt your ass? I don't care what you say, I'm not 'letting go' unless I have to!"

 He didn't hear a word I said, "Honey, I love you," he kissed my temple, "I love you so, so much."

 With that, his tears fell, and he left the room. Was that really what he  planned on doing? Just... telling me it was okay to let go?

 I stopped the ranting to myself, suddenly feeling a pain in my chest. The monitors started to beep erratically, as I clutched my chest. The pain didn't subside as a load of nurses ran through the door, and started to call out orders.

 "Paddles!" I heard Melissa's voice shout. They ripped open the hospital gown, and Melissa set the paddles down, "Charging. Clear!" My body jolted up, and the monitor continued to flat-line, "Charging.... Clear!" The same process happened another two times. 

 "Melissa! Melissa, just stop!" It was my dad.

 But, she tried one more time.

 Beep, beep, beep.



 This is coming to an end real soon... Sorry if my updates are slow... Ahem...


 Anyway, Ya'll know the drill.

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