Chapter 6

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I continued to read through the files, making a mess of my bed. Sighing, I start to feel the tiredness consume me. I looked at the clock... 1 AM. Wonderful.

"Time for bed."

I got up, and set everything on my desk. I crawled under my sheets, and my eyes fell heavily. Once again, I fell asleep... but only woke up a few hours later.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slammed my hand on the off button, and got up. Quickly showering, I got dressed in a simple pair of ripped skinny jeans, a graphic tee, a floral blazer, and Lolita heels. (I'll have a link to the POLYVORE set at the end.) Another day to impress Lydia, I guess. I put on a bit of makeup, and went to the kitchen. Sam had yet to leave, so I grabbed my keys, and went outside. I glanced across the street to see Stiles about to leave. Rolling my eyes, I got into my truck. It was old. Yes, but it was still an awesome way to get around. It was like the Jeep, but better.

This was the first time I'd driven to school, but I was fine with it. Definitely a lot faster. I got there, and walked inside. The school was yet to be completely full, but sure enough, there was Lydia and Jackass. I keep saying Jackass, but I mean Jackson.

"Where did you get those heels?" Lydia asked, eyeing the maroon colored shoes.

I shrugged, "Online, I think. They're every where on the internet." Sighing, I motioned to the outfit, "Lydia approved?"

She nodded, "I like your style. I still need to go through your closet." She seemed to remember something, "Don't forget, tonight is the party!"

I nodded, "I know. I'll go. Scott asked Allison. So, there's another person to check off of your guest list."

Lydia had a huge, perfect smile on her face. Her and I were definitely polar opposites.

"Ylva-" Stiles shouted.

"I'll see you later, Lyd." I quickly shut my locker, and walked in the direction of class. I was so not dealing with this right now.

I took my seat in the almost full classroom, and waited. Stiles filed in, but I took a seat next to Danny. I was so not sitting with Greenburg.

"Are you okay, Ylva?" Danny asked, raising his eyebrow.

I nodded, "Just avoiding my problems." I winked, motioning to Stiles.

He nodded in understanding. Class started with Finstock talking about economics.

"Yl- new girl. What are the two things?"

I wasn't paying attention, "I don't know, Finstock. Ask a stupid question, ask Stiles to answer it."

"Good point," He shrugged, "Stilinski, answer!"

Danny high-fived me from beneath the desk.


Lunch rolled around, and I tried to avoid the table. But, Allison hooked arms with me, lunch in hand. I internally groaned. There were two seats left. One next to Scott, and one in between Danny and Stiles. I eyed Danny, and he scooted over to sit next to Stiles.

I mouthed a "thank you" to Danny, and he winked. Having a gay guy be your acquaintance was awesome.

They talked about the party, and what not, and I zoned out.

Werewolves are real. You know it. Scott doesn't like the wolfsbane.

Maybe he doesn't like the scent? Werewolves can't be real. They can't be.

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