The Support Group Part 2

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*We continue this Support Group with Backpack saying "who's next" after hearing a romantic story of the best friend lovers of Bang Snaps and Glassy*

Backpack: So, who's next?

BP: *Raising her hand* Oh! Me! Me! I'll go next!

Backpack: Alright state your name, gender roles, and/or sexuality please.

*She looks at Bowling Ball, who gives her a thumbs up. She started to blush and then she confidently started to speak*

*Meanwhile in a strange hideout*

*A bowling pin with just a scar looks at a big monitor with her gasping*

???: OMG! Girls come quick!

*A team of bowling pins come rolling out with weapons and other things in their hands*

*Then a bowling pin with an eyepatch begins to speak*

??: What's wrong One? Are we under attack?

One: Oh, my Dear Two, we haven't been attacked in a couple of months.

Two: Then, what's going on?

One: Look at the monitor, Seven is on the screen!

*A girl with lots of makeup and anime eyes gasped excitedly*

??????: Wait seriously?!

One: Yes six. She's about to start her support group speech thing.

*All but two began gasping and they all ran to the screen excitedly cheering Bowling Pin on about her speech*

Two: One. *She starts to walk to the team* I do believe she prefers to be called Bowling Pin. After all, she's not with us anymore.

One: Oh I know. But she's still our friend and I do miss the great times we had together. 

Two: Alright then. 

*All of Strike began to watch patiently as Seven (BP) begins her tale*

*Back at the support group*  

BP: My name is Bowling Pin or Seven by my friends and BF. Please don't call me that by the way. 

Backpack: We won't.

BP: Alright, my gender roles are she/her, and my sexuality is that I'm Pansexual.

*Blue MGB raised his foot*

BP: Yes Blue?

Blue MGB: What does Pansexual mean?

BP: Well, it means I'm attracted to anyone beyond the gender roles and sexuality. 

Blue MGB: Huh? Can you give an example?

BP: Sure little one.

BP: So, for example, take Glassy. He's a transgender male who's gay. I would find him attractive even so. If he was straight, then I would still find him attractive, or if he was a girl again and/or straight I would still find him attractive as much. Another example would be the former president of the world.

Blue MGB: W-Wait you mean-

BP: No No not him! I mean The President of The World who was our host. 

Blue MGB: Oh ok.

BP: If the president was still here and he was at least my age or so, I would date him in a heartbeat. If he was girl, non-binary, or using any neopronouns, I would still date him. This would also apply if he was straight, gay, lesbian, pansexual, asexual, bisexual, and so on. Do you understand now?

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