The Support Group Part 5

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*We last left off with Headphones being announced to speak on Green MGB's question about what does Non-Binary mean? As they were being to speaking, they gasped, got nervous again, and they blushed as he looked at Lollipop, who was beginning to notice and worry about him. They quickly ran to Lollipop and whispered something in his ears.*

Lollipop: Wait are you sure?

Headphones nods*

Lollipop: Alright then. 

*He stands up and starts to speak*

Lollipop: Sorry about what you saw. Headphones told me that they forgot that they made an introduction for me to speak on their behalf about their gender and/or important speech. So my name is Lollipop and yes I'm related to LOLipop as he's my younger brother. 

Cork: By how many years? 

Lollipop: It's not really that important but almost a year as we were both born on the same month. Anyways, I go by he/him and I'm here in support of my good friend Headphones. As they themselves are non-binary, and they go by he/they as well. 

*The group claps for Headphones as he waved and blushed*

Lollipop: Anyways, they are here to ask your question about what does Non-binary mean and how it affects him. Now, here they are, Headphones. Please hold your applause after they speak.

*Headphones starts to feel confident again and they stand up while Lollipop stands down*

*Lollipop begins to notice their face and he whispers to them*

Lollipop: *Whispering* Good luck my NB friend.

*Headphones smiled even more as he was feeling more confidence. Then, he looked at the audience for a matter of seconds before he gasped and started to speak*

Headphones: Hello. So today I'm here to talk to you about what does Non-binary mean? Non-binary means you don't want to be defined or stated in the presence that you are either part of the bi gender roles like he/him or she/her. I have felt like there is much more to define that me in personality and gender. I have keep this a secret from everyone as I feel I wasn't being opening out yet. The only one who I told about this was Lollipop as he's my best friend. Ever since STRIKE attacked the Earth, I felt like I needed to change my role after helping out stopping them. Luckily I managed to talk to Phone in private and told him about my situation. They told me about their situation as well and he gave me perfect suggestion/solution. I decided to change by roles and go by they/them for a while in the game. After the game was finished I decided to go back to using my he/him role only for my closet friends to say. Just like Phone, I would appreciate it more if you all used they/them when addressing me please. In conclusion, that's what Non-binary means and how much its results have changed me for the better. Thank you.

*Everybody started clapping so vigorously that even STRIKE heard it from their base and started clapping too.*

Plug: Bravo Headphones!

Backpack: Bravissimo!

Cork: What?

Backpack: It means bravo in another language.

Cork: Oh. Cool!

*Headphones looked at the MGB and they were cheering for their speech. Headphones began to smile at their happiness. Lollipop noticed how they were smiling at the mini golf balls. He's stood up and walked over to the MGBs*

Lollipop: I hope he answered your question correctly.

Green MGB: Oh he did! He did!

*The clapping begin to subside as Plug begin to speak*

Plug: Alright then I think that maybe every-

*Just then a Star fruit began to interrupt*

Starfy: Ahem! I think you are forgetting something or someone.

*Plug begin to realize she did*

Plug: Oh right! I'm sorry Starfy I nearly forgot about you.

Star: To be honest I'm not surprised.

*Starfy angrily glared at Star*

Starfy: May I remind you that you're here to support me.

Star: *sigh* I know you don't have to remind me again.

Plug: I'm still surprised you guys are still rivals and not friends.

Backpack: Yeah, I thought you guys gave up on that.

Starfy: Oh no we gave up on finding of who's the better Star.

Star: Yep, we came to agreement that though we're both not the better star but at least we're better than One.


One: (angrily) Hey!

Starfy: Also we're frenemies.

Plug: Oh right, we'll do you want to talk next?

Starfy: Heck yeah I do.

*To be continued*

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