The Support Group Part 6

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*We last left off with Starfy being "chopped liver" as Plug was almost about to forgot her to speech. Now we return to the field where the TSFTW contestants are about to hear Starfy speak*

Starfy: So yeah, hi my name is Starfy. I use my fabulous she/her pronouns and I'm ace! 

*Some gasped and the MGBs raised their limbs*

*Starfy began to notice this, so she said this*

Starfy: Okay so I'll answer only one of you like *she points to Purple* you in the back!

Purple MGB: What does ace mean? 

Starfy: Well, it means two things!

Star: Wait it does? I thought it was one. 

Starfy: Well, it's two in the matter of context, Star. Btw, Star is here by choice and will in support of the fabulous Moi! 

Star: Yeah..."Fabulous" (He puts air quotes between the word Fabulous). Also, before anyone asks, yes. I did come here by choice to support you all but by my own will to support her. Adding onto that I use he/him pronouns as well. 

Starfy: Anyways, I would like to talk to you about my meaning of ace in two but similar ways. Ace is short for the word Asexual which in terms mean that little to no sexual and/or romantic attraction to anyone beyond and in the bi gender system. Ace also means another word for one as I'm the number one ace girl! 

Purple MGB: Woah cool! 

Strafy: Yeah, it's cool! What's even cooler is how I became ace in the first place!

Purple MGB: OOOOO!

The rest of the MGB: Storytime!

Starfy: Yep! It all starts with why I was so "obsessed" with being the number one star. A long time ago, when I was little, I was always fascinated by the night sky because my mother told me that the stars in the sky are like me in a way.

Plug: How?

*Star and Cork were going to say something rudely unnecessary but Plug and Starfy respectively covered their mouths*

Plug: Don't even say it. 

Starfy: Don't even say a word about it.

*They uncovered their mouths and pouted* 

Cork and Star: Hmph! Fine.

Starfy: Anyways, she told me the stars were like me because I was beautiful on the inside and out. Also, I had a sense of brightness. 

*Star almost began to chuckle until he got an angry glare from almost everyone*

Star: (cough) Sorry.

Starfy: So yeah. The stars in the sky inspired me to become as bright as them, to be as cool as them, and to be a star one day in any way that's possible. In grade school, I met my rival Star for the first time, and I told him that I was going to be a star like him.

Plug: Woah! You guys met back then? 

Star: Uh yeah. Anyways I'll never forget the day I laughed at you and told you couldn't be a star. 

Starfy: Ah yes, I gladly remember that day. I remember telling you what was so funny and after you explained it to me that you were a real star, and I was a star shaped fruit I told you that fruits can be stars too. Then you said, 'no they can't,' and I said, 'yes they can'. After that we both had a huge fight of who could be a star. We both got in trouble that day. 

Star: *sighing fondly* Ah yes. We did. Ah the memories. 

Starfy: *Sighing fondly* Ah yes. Now bear in minds we were fully fledged enemies back then and as I recall that's where our fight and competitions started of who's a better star. From acting to skiing and mini movies to counting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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