Venom Bullet

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My head whipped towards the building where the Killjoys were trapped. Gunshots could be heard from inside the structure, slowly getting closer. Pony revved up the car and I leaned my seat forward, gripping the sides in anticipation. What was happening? Was that the sound of an escape, or a trap? I couldn't sit around anymore to find out. I took out a raygun pistol and hauled ass out of the vehicle. I heard Show Pony make sounds of disagreement, but I ran. I kept running towards the place where my friends were in trouble.


"Dammit, Pony," I huffed under my breath. "Why did you have to park so far away?"


I kept running. That's all that I could think about; just the sensation of my feet carrying me forward. The building practically grew in front of my eyes. Dust and dirt billowed from behind me and my eyes watered. All of the sudden, I saw one, two — three people, all scurrying out of the building. One was Jet; I could tell from the hair. The next was Phoenix, but something was wrong. She was bleeding, and she had a man with black hair around her shoulder. Wait — no, it couldn't be...


Ghoul? Fun Ghoul is alive?


My lungs felt like they were going to collapse inside of my ribs, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I had to get to them, I had to know what was happening. I felt tears falling down my face; for what reason? Probably many.


I turned around, noticing the many Killjoys following in my footsteps, all running towards the rescued Killjoys. When I turned back around, I was so close; so so close to Phoenix.


But, Ghoul wasn't there. She was all turned around, seemingly entranced by something. Behind her stood a bald man in white clothing. He was taking aim at my friend, a devilish smirk on his face.




"No!" I yelled, hoping that somehow my small voice would make any difference. "Please, please no!"


It was too late, though. Time was moving so slow; it seemed like I was the only one moving at normal speed. Through blurred tears, I had finally reached my best friend.


She was shot with a bullet into her right shoulder.


I dove down onto my knees, picking up her torso as Ghoul and other rescuer Killjoys gathered around me. I cried as Phoenix breathed sporadically, her eyes darting around, her body petrified in my arms. She was obviously in shock, she wasn't aware of what was happening. I heard Ghoul scream behind me.


I had never heard a man scream in such anguish until that day. It haunts my dreams, it still lingers.


"Rocket!" Ghoul yelled to me desperately. "What, where, what the hell happened?" Ghoul spoke through jumbled words.


Show Pony had driven up to us through all of the commotion. He pushed me out of the way, causing me to drop Phoenix as he picked her up and ran towards the car. Ghoul had a broken look on his face; his lover came to save him, and then was shot as soon as he escaped, all over the span of about an hour. He couldn't seem to comprehend what was going on.


While Pony was carrying her, I looked behind me and noticed the others had made it out. Poison, Kobra, and Jet were all reunited and they nearly looked like they were on the verge of tears.


I couldn't believe it. Everyone was alive.


Cola was right.


I snapped back into reality when Pony blared his horn at me. I jumped at the sound, but collected myself enough to jump into the back seat. We drove away as I saw the rest of the Fabulous Four being escorted in a different car right behind ours. I scooted to the middle seat, leaning towards Ghoul, who held Phoenix in his arms.


"That's a nasty fuckin' bullet wound," Pony commented. "Bullets are so outdated in this age. Who shot her."

"Korse," I answered, the word sliding out of mouth like a disgusting venom; as if he could hear us talking right then and there. "It was Korse... He looked at her, smiled, and pulled the fucking trigger."

[[Wow, I'm on a roll with these updates, huh? Shoutout to Callie (xtrustnoone) for having me write. Hope you enjoy, comment and vote please! I'd love to interact and get feedback from you all :^) Enjoy!]]

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