New Year, New Purpose

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Morning had come. The bright orange sky blazed the hospital room. You slowly lifted your head up to it. You yawned lightly and stretched. Your gaze went over to Henry, who was still resting. His heart monitor was still beeping, much to your goodness. You thought about getting up but didn't want to wake up Henry. But your stomach got the best of you, plus, you knew a nurse would be coming in there shortly to check on him. So, as quietly as you could, you got up from the chair you slept in beside the bed and made your way out. You gently closed the door behind yourself.
You made your way downstairs to the main area of the hospital. Many people were already up and about, although it was still relatively quiet. You heard the sound of your shoes echoing off the shiny tile floor. You looked around to see a gift shop and some other little places. You found a mini coffee shop that you went into. You walked up to the counter and ordered a glazed doughnut and cup of coco since you didn't really like coffee. You found a seat near a window overlooking rows of streets. Cars bustled about them.
As you were nibbling your doughnut, you couldn't help but think about Henry. You knew he was going to be ok, but would he really? You didn't know the answer but wished you did. The steam from your coco was visible in the sunrays. You blew on it and took a sip as its warmth filled your mouth and throat.
With the turn of the New Year, you had no idea what was in store for yourself.
After your little breakfast, you headed back upstairs. The nurse from before was just outside Henry's room with a cart and clipboard.
"Good Morning and Happy New Year!", she said cheerfully.
You gave her a smile.
"Good Morning and Happy New Year to you as well", you said.
She was writing something on a piece of paper.
"How is Henry?", you asked her.
"He's doing just fine", she said as she continued to write. "He should be ok to leave in about another day or two."
This brought you much relief, although, you wished he would be let out as soon as possible, but you were understanding. You gave the nurse a smile.
"That's fantastic", you said.

You spent the rest of the day with Henry in his room, watching things on the television. It was mostly switching between cartoons and tv shows. You both seemed to be enjoying yourselves well, as you laughed and chuckled whenever something humorous happened. You were surprised at how well Henry seemed to be. He seemed happy and renewed. Although maybe he was doing that to hide any pain he might've still been feeling.
Later that evening, you and Henry walked around the level floor. He still seemed a bit stiff but warmed up. He wore his hospital gown as you two paced about. You both sat on a windowsill overlooking the small town and sunset that backlit it.
"Everything looks so different when your above it", Henry said.
You nodded in agreement. You looked over to him, his figure being blazed by the sun.
"Henry?", you said, your voice barely breaking the silence.
He turned to you.
"Yeah, Y/n?"
You looked down then back up to him, the sun blazing the side of your face.
"I'm... I'm sorry I..... I wasn't there for you when you needed me the.... the most...."
Henry's facial expression changed. He seemed down again. He looked off to the distance.
You looked off elsewhere as well.
Suddenly, you were in a warm embrace by Henry. He held you as tightly as his body would let him.
"I'm... I'm just grateful to have someone like you in my life who cares about me this much. Thank you, Y/n."
You felt your body warm up as you embraced him back.
"You're welcome, Henry", you said as the sun slid under the horizon.
  The following afternoon, the hospital called Sir Topham Hatt to let him know Henry was ready to come home. He sent a car to come pick you two up. You and Henry waited by the entrance of the hospital when a black car pulled up. You both got in and headed back to the railway.
On the way back, you could tell Henry was glad to be going home. You were glad too as you hadn't bathed and didn't get the best rest, but you weren't in a life-threatening accident, so you had nothing to complain about. You saw that there was still snow about the ground as well as 'dirty snow'.
You had arrived back at the railway and made your way to see Sir Topham Hatt. He was glad to see Henry back. After the reunion, he led you two over to the Steelworks to check out Henry's train.
"Here it is, Henry", Sir Topham Hatt said, moving his hand in the air.
Being cranked to the ground was Henry's new train. It was a green, LMS Strainer Class 5. It had its original paint color scheme on.
You looked in awe. Henry smiled brightly.
"It also has a bigger firebox too, as your last train's one was small", Sir Topham Hatt said. Henry looked to him.
"Thank you, Sir", Henry said cheerfully but still being professional.
Sir Topham Hatt gave you and Henry the rest of the day off. So naturally, you two just slacked off. Well, just a bit.
You rode back with Henry to the boarding house as his train still needed some working on. Although Henry felt better, you could tell he was still a bit tried. You walked Henry back to his room and made sure he was good before you went about your business. He smiled at you tiredly before you closed his door.
On your way to your own room, your name was called.
"Y/n, there you are."
You turned to see the Flying Scotsman on the couch in the lounge. You were surprised to see him.
"Scotsman er.. Flying Scotsman", you said. "Wha-what are you doing here?"
"Well, I was going to go as soon as New Year's was here but then-", he stood up and walked to you. "Henry had his accident, and you were staying with him. I'm glad he's ok. I just... I just had to see you again before I left."
You felt your heart start to pump faster. You were sure you were blushing lightly.
"Oh, well.... that was... very kind of you. Although, I do feel bad holding you up like that. I just had to make sure Henry was... ok."
Scotsman nodded his head.
"I understand. You sure do seem to be the caring type of person."
You blushed like mad. You quicky turned your head away.
"Ma-maybe", you shyly stated.
Scotsman chuckled.
"Y/n, it was very nice meeting you. I hope to see you again.... someday."
You turned back to him with a shy smile.
"Yeah, me.... me too", you nodded.
The Flying Scotsman gave you a farewell hug before he left to go in Tidmouth Sheds, fetching his train. He blew its whistle and rolled out, waving you goodbye. You waved back and watched him disappear into the distance.
Later that evening, you took a hot shower then threw on some pajamas. You pulled the covers back and slid under them.
Within about five minutes, you were sound asleep.

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