Dying and Living Again, Weird would not Recommend

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"Dying and Living Again, Weird would not Recommend".

Chapter 1

You could hear the sirens in the background but the pain subsided with the loud noises. your phone was the only thing you could see. you remember everything you just wanted to grab a drink not to die.

You didn't want to die. You had joked about it before but happening now. "Why?" That's all you could ask. You didn't live an evil life, you tried to be humble yet here you are. Lying on the hard concrete of the road. Your eyes glanced around you once more time.

You could feel the blood dripping down your head. The big impact that car made did hurt. Your head started to pound so much. Why why why you had some much time left. You wanted to go to prom, have a job. Live a life that was meaningful not on some stupid stone.

You were only sixteen. You have so much time. You looked back on all the times you could have hung out and done fun things instead of lying in your bed reading something on your phone. If you had known this, you would have done it in a heartbeat.

If only you had just a few more minutes. Maybe if you cleaned your room one more time, or at least make your bed instead of leaving crumbs in it.

Your vision was getting blurry, the ringing in your ear was getting louder and everything around you was muffled. All that you could hear was your heartbeat, it was the only thing keeping you at peace, it reminded you that you were still alive.

Your eyelids felt like they had weights on the 'no I don't want to close them, I want to live' Your eyelids closed and your consciousness finally left. Of course, you hated living but if I knew I was going to die in such a cliche way, I would want to live.

Your eyes flicked open and you could feel something wet. It was freezing, your eyes opened and they were blinded by the white snow...' wait, snow?'

you sat up as fast as you could where you were?  Had your parents abandoned you? You know that you guys didn't have the best relationship but did they just leave you here?

You looked around you, you just started to remember what happened the night before. It was late so you went to get a drink but you were watching something as you stood on the sidewalk when a car hit the sidewalk. "I remember" you spook in a whisper. you remember the pain you had felt.

You lifted yourself. You felt a sharp pain in your leg. You finally looked down to see your leg banged up. What? you looked around be trying to find something, something you could see yourself in. you ran and ran until you found a river. It was frozen but you could see your reflection. This isn't you, you knew that. Those was your e/c but this won't your eyes, h/c was not yours. Who was this? Who did I take over? You took a closer look.

Leaning in more near the frozen river. You could see bruises on your face, there was a red handprint on the side of your face. Just what life was the person living?

You heard shuffling of feet, you looked behind you to see someone. They said something, but you could understand. Just who were they.

You felt your eyes become heavy and just then did you realize how cold you were. You could feel the cold wind on your back as you fell backward.

Am I dying again? You felt the impact of the water on your back, then your face tried to hold your breath but failed.

You hoped that person would be your saving grace.

You opened your eyes again, but this time you were met with the warmth of a bed, and a blanket that covered you, not a blanket of snow. Were you back at home?

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