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Pond is one of the Doctors longest companions. She joined his adventures in space when she was about 13. Before living on the tardis Pond lived as Kai in an orphanage in the United States of America. One night when she was out in the front yard she heard the faint sound of the tardis off in the distance. When she went looking for the source of the sound she found the Doctor, at the end of his ninth face and Rose exiting the tardis. Pond decided to take a look inside and found herself entering infinity. When the doctor and Rose came back, she decided to hide. After she was found and explained herself the doctor let her stay on board.

When she was eighteen she had started to form a bond with the tardis. This is about when the tardis leaked time vortex energy into her room. And only her room, this prolonged her life indefinitely.

As her chosen name would allude to she was especially close with Amy and Rory Pond. She even came to think of River as a sister. Later in her life, she was gifted a tardis that was grown by the Doctors. 

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