Now/Chapter One

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Now Pond is now 1750 years old. She travels on her tardis, which looks like a wider than average phone booth with tinted windows. Apparently broken chameleon circuits have as much as they do genetics as they do with mechanics. She goes to see the past companions of the Doctor that she knows about once a month. And she is thinking about traveling with a long-time partner because for the last 20 ish years she has been righting some of the Doctor's wrongs. 

"Ok I got to go now I'll see you guys later." Pond says halfway out the door.

" When you gonna be around again. '' Micky shouts from his dining table.

"Same time next month, like always"

"See ya round Pond" 

She was now on her way to Jane Smith's house to say hi to her and her son, Luke. She normally went around to past companions because the Doctor would never do such a thing. But she understood and did it for both of them. Pond normally goes to Jane and Clara the most considering their runs with the Doctor. She knocked but no one answered.

" Jane, Luke I'm here" She spoke as she entered the house. She walked toward their kitchen and as she approached she could hear Luke and Jane fighting.

" Why can't I go with her, you got to go with the Doctor."

" That is exactly why I won't let you go with her!"

"Hey guys, sorry the door was unlocked and no one answered. Should I come back another time? "Pond interrupts.

" No, no you're fine we were just ending this conversion."

" You're right we are. So Pond, can I go with you?" Luke turns to Pond with a smirk.

" Luke, that really isn't up to me, or you. You're not an adult."

" Didn't you go with the Doctor when you were younger than me?"

" Yes, but I also didn't have a responsible adult to stop me."

" See, even she said no," Jane says smugly.

" Nooo, I didn't. I'd take him with me if you said yes" Jane looks over at Pond in disbelief, while Luke finds new hope.

" No. I will not let him go with some girl!"

"Some girl, really? How long have you known me? How long have I been stopping by to check up on you, hang out and catch up because I thought we were friends but, I can go if I'm just Some girl" Pond kept eye contact that began a staredown between them and kept from raising her voice, even though it took everything in her. Jane had just disregarded all the things she's done to correct The Doctor's mistakes, but she didn't feel like explaining that to her, throwing it in her face like that just wasn't right.

" You're right, you're right I'm sorry."

During Pond's and Sarah Jane's stare down, Luke had managed to sneak out the house and into the tardis. Pond stormed out of the house as soon as Luke had found a good place to hide. She put in the coordinates for The planet the Oods reside on. She trains with them to help her with a clear mind to enhance her natural abilities.

She thought back to when it first happened. Pond was out on a little walk through New New York when she had brushed up against someone, and somehow it was like she had opened a door into that person's head. Every thought that was going through their mind in that moment was being projected into her head. Then she remembered the Ood soon after that event and decided that they might be able to help her get a grasp on it.

" So where we goin?" Luke peaks out from behind a corner, snapping her back into reality.

"I- you can't be here. Your mom is gonna kill me if you stay." Pond says with a sigh.

" I thought you were immortal."

" There isn't one way to be immortal. And besides, I don't think this is the best thing to do after the fight."

Luke disagreed and said it could be ok to go somewhere fun and bring him back to the moment he left. Pond looks at him, smirks, and asks him where he wants to go. He decides on a planet that has two suns and purple oceans.

They spent about an hour there before Pond decided it was probably time to get Luke home.

" Okay, you should be all set, if im right you were only gone for like, a minute." Pond brings Luke inside to his mother and explains that he snuck onto her ship and as soon as she realized he was there she brought him back immediately.

"There's no need to explain, really, for all I know you two have been gone for a whole year. I'm not gonna fight you two on this, especially since you can go without being gone a minute. So go, and be careful."Luke and Pond thank Jane for her being so understanding.

" Oh by the way, if it's any consolation we were gone for only an hour."

With that Pond and Luke closed the tardis doors and tried to decide on a place to go next. 

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