Chapter Five

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Pond woke with a fright when she heard a loud thud coming from a few corridors down. Usually the library was to the left and the pool was to the right, but when pond opened her bedroom door she found it was at the entrance of the library.

The library wasn't that large, it only had two floors with no middle section on the second floor.

As Pond walked into the library she saw someone duck behind some shelfs. She walks over to a section where she keeps her personal favorites, and as she is passing she bumps into it and a few feet away an extra sonic pops out of a secret compartment. Pond makes her way to where she saw the person and coming round a corner prepared to do... something she didn't know what she was going to do with a sonic, she saw Luke turning the corner with as many books as he could hold.

"You have so many rare books, how did you get them?" Luke shoves The Tales of Beedle Bard in her face.

"I wanted to expand my library with some classics so I may have taken them but they weren't missed much considering I gave a wealthy donation." She says this while putting her sonic next to a book.

" So you stole -"--" No, I bought them when no one was looking. If I stole them I wouldn't have given them compensation. And you might want to ask before wandering around next time because the tardis wasn't so happy you were roaming around."

"What, ask the tardis?"

" Ya when my door opened I had nowhere to go but the library."

"So when you say she, you actually mean she. Huh, kinda scary that we live in a living thing. I'll make sure to ask." 

Pond nods and walks to the panel room on the tardis, while Luke follows. She starts to put in random coordinates, and then the buttons and levers freeze. The tardis starts to shake very dramatically, but Pond's examinations determine they aren't moving in space or time, yet the numbers on her scales were moving to zero. Pond and Luke rush to the tardis doors, Pond opens them to see the world around them slowly start to shrink in a circular form.

Around the circle is nothing, no stars to look at, only them in the tardis. Luke went to reach out of the tardis but the doors shut in his face.

"Do you know?"

"No, not for sure, but I fear I'm right. And no you don't want to know. Now, we have a very limited amount of time before the tardis goes into low power mode, then completely shuts down."

"No, tell me what's going on so I can help." 

"Fine, but please don't freak out, ya? While we were sleeping I set the tardis on automatic travel, we just went through space bouncing between past coordinates. My guess is that we were passing a neutron star when it exceeded its mass limit and a black hole formed almost instantly, swallowing the tardis. The tardis was focused on getting my room door connected to the library door when the star collapsed"

"But if she can see all of time and space, why didn't she take a different path?" Why put us in danger like that?"

" She can see the past, present, and all possible outcomes of the future. It's possible that this was one of the least likely scenarios but we just got unlucky and it was too late."

The tardis is suspended in a black hole, past the event horizon, and as of right now completely intact. If the tardis were to be eaten by a black hole there is no telling how much it would grow. The tardis holds infinity, once it can't hold itself together anymore the gravity will take hold and pull it apart in an instant, and by now the tardis is in low power mode.

"Ok, we have 30 minutes until it shuts down." The big computer on the control panel started to count back from 30:00.

The race is on. With low power, certain functions have been turned off to preserve power. That means most lights, all computers but one, any doors have to be opened manually which isn't a problem because the gravity is now in the most used rooms on the tardis, and coms.


Ten minutes passed and they had figured out how fast they were being pulled towards the singularity. Pond is having Luke run more tests to see speed growth. Within ten minutes the black hole has done so much damage to the ship that it is no longer infinite. Now there is only gravity in the control room, and the airflow has stopped in rooms that aren't currently being occupied. The power that was supposed to go to those systems is now being stored for later use.

After about five more minutes Pond could see where the tardis was getting pulled apart and now they couldn't leave the control room due to the amount of power being saved for the escaping part of their plan.

" We might have to do something risky."

" You mean riskier than being in a black hole?" luke scoffs

" We might have to put everything we have into the power reserve if we want a shot at getting out."


They are preparing for the last energy transfer. The tardis has suffered serious damage.


Pond remembers a relic she had, it took in particles around it and produced wavelengths from it. Any type of wavelength from light to radiation. She programmed it to produce Hawking radiation. ( When particles pop into existence and disappear when paired with their opposite, When one particle gets left behind this causes Hawking radiation, This causes black holes to shrink). The relic accomplished this by attracting the positive particle leaving behind its opposite.

With two minutes left she opened the tardis doors and threw the relic out.

" What will that do?"

"Hopefully that will shrink the black hole enough to cause a white hole, it basically just spits everything it ate out again."

"That's really cool! So what other stuff do you have?"

" Well, I have a room with dinosaurs And a room with a to-scale star destroyer."

" A what!"

Pond went on to explain how she acquired such things, while she was setting the course for the rift in London to recharge her tardis. Once they arrived in about 2007 there was a loud banging on the tardis doors. Pond and Luke, puzzled, opened the doors to find an old friend. 

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