Chapter Four

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"Well technically glucose but it's close enough"

Pond went on to explain that the beast stored so much glucose and was able to ignite it on command, once the fire started it would burn until there was a minimum amount left. But in between burns it would have to save it up.

" But it didn't take long for it to start burning again." Luke noticed.

" That's because it evolved to almost instantly turn what it eats into glucose, well instantly compared to us."

After a few minutes of chatting about the new species Luke realized something.

" Pond..., that thing definitely got bigger."

" Ya but it's probably only a danger if it feels threatened. And now that these people understand there should be fewer fires." right after she said that a villager walked up beside her and tried to pet the cub beside her. The now-growing cub acted on instinct and started to heat up.

" Oh, what the-" Pond quickly lowered the beast to the ground, as it was rapidly growing in size and temperature. " Now why would you go and do that?"

 Luke and Pond turn towards each other and without saying a word, then run into the village. Both of them got people on their way to the next village as fast as they could. Once that task is complete they get the attention of the beast by shouting and then sprinting back toward the tardis.

Pond and Luke arrive and shut the tardis doors right before the beast pounced. Luke stayed in the control room while Pond went and looked for something she said was going to be vital. She walks into the control room and a giant firehose.

"Where the hell did you get from?"

" I have infinity in a box and you're surprised I have a hose."

As Luke opened the tardis door Pond sprayed the hose at the beast and its fire went out. It went back to the form of a cub. Luke and Pond scrambled to pick it up before it got anything in its stomach. Once they had it they went back to the village to spread advice and make sure they heeded it.

Pond and Luke made sure that the planet was not to be inhabited until the species was understood, this way both parties could survive without major complications.

Pond started the tardis but for the first time Luke didn't feel like he was being thrown around.

"What are we doing?"

"Oh, just making sure they did what we told them to." Pond says this plainly.

" I thought we weren't supposed to intervene with history."

" If intervening is too dangerous to the timeline then we wouldn't be here, the tardis prevents us from doing any major harm, if the outcome ends up preventing unnecessary deaths, even just one, I'll be there. I don't really have the same knowledge or sixth sense her parent's partner has so she helps."

"Wait, this is the doctor's tardis's kid?"

" Yup."

Luke then went on to explain that his mom taught him the basics of the tardis and how it was organic, but it never occurred to him it could reproduce. Apparently, Jane taught him more than just about TARDISes. She also taught him about string theory about a week after adopting him. 

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