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  Lilo was 8 years old when she realized she wasn't like the rest of the kids her age. She was smarter, quieter, and didn't like to play around that much. She didn't have much of a sense of humor, every time her mother joked around and tried to lighten her mood, she wanted to slap the shit out of her. 

  Lilo realized at the age of 9 that she was practically fucking immune to pain. She tested this theory, rolled her sleeves, not wanting to use her hands because she knew she'd need them in the future, and dipped her elbow into her mother's deep frying machine that she brought off an infomercial because she wanted to feel something. It took her mother a minute or two to find Lilo and snatch her away, but the whole time Lilo didn't feel a thing. She still has a relatively large burn scar on her right elbow to this day to remind her of the day she lost her sense of morality.

  Then by the age of 11, Lilo had killed around 12 animals, all of which she measured and calculated the time of death, cause of death and the date of the assassination. She wanted to know how to kill something, how to give something a quick death or a slow one. It was at that moment, when she threw her fourth pet cat into the trash incinerator in her apartment building, is when she realized she was a sociopath, or a psychopath, whatever floats your boat. 

  There were some moments when she'd feel herself caving in, she'd crash, and find it too hard to talk and forget how to breathe, then she'd die. In those moments, when passed out into the black abyss, she felt free, and happy, almost innocent. Like a kid, or a dog. Or like an alien, or a baby. Then, she'd wake up and rejoin the rest of society. 

  Lilo knew she needed something else to feel something, she enjoyed the way she felt when taking the life away from things, but she couldn't do that for the rest of her life and she knew it'd be messy. So, she reverted to cold-hearted manipulation. It started with little things, like lying to her mom about stealing from her purse. Then escalated into persuading a 12 year old boy in her class to do her homework for a month since he sent her an unsolicited dick pic and threatened to go to the police. She really wouldn't though, she fucking hated cops, but she liked lying and blackmail. She enjoyed the power she felt in the moment, and that's what she lived off.

  So, to sum that up, Lilo was withdrawn with power and control. Her plan with Nate wasn't falling through because he was distracted, with Maddy and all that bullshit with Tyler, and let's not even mention the bullshit going on between him and Jules. I didn't even know about it then, but Nate definitely had a lot on his plate. But, not enough to forget about Lilo. He met up with Lilo right after dropping Maddy home from their after school date, and Lilo was fucking ready.


L I L O' S P.O.V.

  Nate held open the door from the restaurant, leading me towards his parked truck. An hour or two after school finished, he picked me up and took me out, and even called it a date. I let it slide, I needed to make him fall in love with me after all. He tried asking deep and personal questions, like about my family or my feelings and goals or whatever, during the date which I managed to ignore. Some things just didn't need to be his business, I needed the advantage not the other way around. 

  He told me about the complicated mess that is his relationship between Maddy and him, which I thought was generous because he didn't need to be honest with me. He even proceeded to take multiple pictures of the two of us during our time, evening going all out and posting one on his Instagram story, tagging me without placing a caption though. He seemed to be enjoying himself pretty well when around me. This was good, really good actually. Maybe I needed a break to get back on track because now, I was completely focused and on task, and here I was, swindling his mind and emotions and looking good while doing so.

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