5- Overtime

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(Two weeks later)

I opened my eyes and groaned, sitting up. I got up and walked over to the mirror, pulling my shirt off and turning so I could see my back a bit. I glared at my lightning shaped scars. I walked over to the shelf and got a lighter shirt and my haori down, walking back to the mirror and looking at the marks again for a few moments.

The door opened, Zenitsu looking in. "I heard you get up...." He trailed off.

We stared at each other for a moment before both blushing and turning away from each other in embarrassment.

"Sorry!" We both said at the same time.

I slipped my shirt on, Zenitsu scolding himself silently. He was still flustered, glaring at the ground.

"I-it's alright." I stuttered, still embarrassed.

He nodded slightly, starting to walk away. "I made breakfast."

I nodded and followed, slipping my haori on.

"Do your scars still hurt?" Zenitsu asked, filling up a plate and handing it to me.

"A little." So much. I said, reachi g for the plate.

He pulled it outof my reach. "Liar."

"Okay, it hurts like hell." I complained, reaching for the plate.

He lightly chuckled, handing me the plate and patting my head. He made a plate for himself and sat down. "Do you wanna keep working or take a break?"

"I wanna continue." Isaid, starting to eat.

He nodded, starting to eat as well. He seemed to glance at me a few times throughout the meal.

I shrugged it off.

(Six months later)(A/N; i know i know, super long TS)

"Ready to go?" Zenitsu asked.

"Where?" I asked.

"Final selection." He smiled.

"Am I ready for it?" I asked.

"Mhm, you learned fast." He nodded, patting my head.

I nodded a bit, shifting my weight. "I'm still a little worried."

Zenitsu held my face, making me look at him. He smiled, looki g intomy eyes with his soft yellow-brown ones. "You'll do fine. But don't take it as an excuse to die on me." He said.

I nodded slightly. "I won't."

"Promise me that you won't." He said, holding his pinky out."

I took it with mine, looking at his soft eyes again. "I promise I won't die."

He smiled. "And this is for now on too."

I nodded.

(Timeskip thru final selection because I'm pretty lazy today)

A/N; this will continue in the next chapter 😉🤗💕🤭

Thunderstorms (Zenitsu X Reader(female) Where stories live. Discover now