we arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Before we get on with the rest of the story let me take you back to when James and I weren't strangers to the law, shall we? Great.

As youngsters, we would often get into trouble by the law a lot, and when I mean by a lot I mean by a lot. So much for us when it did happen, it wasn't news to us at all. It was as much as like a regular thing, which is why when S.H.I.E.L.D came rolling in we knew exactly what would happen.

James and I looked Slightly annoyed, when one of the men in a nicely done black suit jumped out of the car glancing at us as if we had made this huge mess.

"Look, we're sorry the guy got away but-" James tried to explain, just when he got cut off.

"But nothing, he got away and that is on the both of you" the guy in the suit finished off.

"Hey, I know sorry isn't going to cut it, but we didn't know that there would be someone waiting for him to get away" I blurted out.

"You know what you're right sorry isn't going to cut it, and that's why the both of you are coming with us," he says, then points to his men signaling to take us in.

"Wait what?! We got orders from the SFPD to assist because no one knew what the hell was going on!" I yelled in protest.

"We never gave them those orders," the man said.

"Yeah, no shit, that's why they called us" James yelled.

"Let's go, I don't have time for this and bring them in for questioning," he said, getting into the truck.

Both James and I rolled our eyes when agents 4 and 7 handcuffed us and dragged us over to the trucks.

just before getting into the truck, I spotted Henry running down the alleyway trying to find us, but I quickly Signaled him not to, basically letting him know we have bigger problems. after that, we were placed in the back seat and were sent on our way.

James and I never spoke a word, just glanced a few times here and there. At some point during the ride, we got a few weird looks from agents 4 and 7 as if we reminded them of someone they knew.

After approximately a few minutes into the drive, someone called but it was a faint voice that I really couldn't clear out or possibly recognize. "Yes sir, we are almost there," one of them said.

"Almost where? Where are you taking us?" James questioned, looking at me with the same confused expression.

"You'll find out soon enough," the guy in the passenger seat exclaimed.

We both knew that we weren't going to get anything out of them so during the rest of the car ride we stayed silent. After about ten minutes or so we finally drove into a parking garage with armed bodyguards along with many other cars that had automatic weapons attached to the rooftop and people in bodysuits running around.

what is this? and where the hell are we?

I thought to myself as we came to a complete stop, while trying to figure out our surroundings as the men in black suits jumped out of the trucks and opened the back doors for James and me.

"Alright we're here let's go," he said, slightly nudging his head to the side to get out.

"What the hell is this place? and why are we here?" I asked.

Agents 4 and 7 didn't say a word other than directing us to what seemed to be their boss.

"Where would you like us to put them?" agent 7 asked.

"Put us where? What the hell is going on?!" James shouted.

Their boss gave us one good look before deciding on our placement.

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