Kiyo - Gone Mad P-1

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(A/N) This is a Fan Fiction Novel of YouZitsu. Readers are recommended to have read Y2V5 of LN to avoid spoilers. Moreover, This is my first work so criticism is welcomed.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that everything has a cause. Every event that happens in your life is an opportunity for you to grow and learn. As it happens for a caterpillar and a pupa before transforming into a butterfly. People come into your life for a reason.

Paulo Coelho once said 'There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.' 

Living a peaceful life up until now, I was content with life. I had everything I ever wanted. Peace, Freedom, Friends and Love too. But, these moments were temporary bliss. With time, they also had to come to an end. And I think that moment had come. Because now, my life faced a big crisis.

"Who are you?" I asked my reflection that resides within my mirror.

"Who am... I?" As if confused, my image pointed his hand to himself in a questioning manner.

"I am... You" the image replied, pointing his finger at me.

"Why are you?" I inquired

"I am here.. to remind you."

"Remind me?"

"To remind you that... you're still a...MONSTER." Saying that the image grinned maniacally, and faded. 

Those words left me frozen for a second. What he said wasn't wrong. But, I don't understand, I never felt bad about being the way I am. I mean, why would there be a voice of mine saying I am in the wrong for being me when I had no choice but to survive...?

I don't understand what's happening to me.


A few days later after the Unanimous Vote Special Exam.

Moring Homeroom. It's been a few days since the last special exam. Classes have resumed normally once again. Although it was difficult convincing a few students, everything worked out after the first week.

Students were obviously disappointed with Kushida's fake act. Nonetheless, they accepted the truth and handled it well than I expected them to.

Also. Ayankouji Group was in shambles. It wasn't surprising, since Haruka despised me for my actions in the last exam. Not only that, but my reputation in the class had also fallen from gloomy loner to cruel asshole.

Although, I didn't care about that. I still wished to have friends.

Currently, classes have ended for the day and I was thinking of visiting the library to take my mind off that. Packing my bags, I started making my way.

"Hey, what are you gonna do after school?" Horikita caught up to me and inquired.

"Nothing much. I was thinking of visiting the library."

"Hmm. Okay. But, You know, you've been spacing out quite a bit nowadays."

"Oh, It's nothing. There is something on my mind, that's all."

"You shouldn't be spacing out like that. We are gonna lose CP because of you. Also, you wouldn't bleed as much."

"Huh? What do you mean by "bleed as much"? Why would I blee-" Noticing the bloodstains on my pants, I understood her intent. Seemingly, she had stabbed my lap three times with her compass in an attempt to wake me up. Sigh.

"Well, It doesn't matter. I think your nervous system stopped working. You didn't react a bit. Do you even feel?"

With that comment, multiple phrases started echoing in my mind countless times. The voice was deep and husky, it had low tones that scraped like nails on a blackboard and a hiss on the letter S. It got louder and louder and with that,  a strong headache grounded my temples. My eyes turned misty out of nowhere.

I  managed to act as though everything was fine.

"Of course. I'm a human after all." I replied.

Without waiting for her reply, I took off. Thankfully she didn't follow me.

I made my way to an empty classroom and composed myself. After a while, I decided not to go to the library and rest.

Arriving at the doorstep of my dorm, I took my shoes off. Throwing my backpack, I jumped on the bed and blacked out.

COTE: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now