Chapter 10

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I think for awhile , I had never been part of an animated project and always wanted to try new media.                                                                                                                
"I'd love to but I'm based in L.A ." I tell her.                                                                        
"That's totally fine I'm collaborating with a few actors and actresses , in L.A, I will send you the script in the next month."  Says the director.                                          
 "Awesome, that would be great , thank you." I gush.

The girls and I get called for our massages. We let Tara have the sexy masseuse. I can't help  but talk about my new job offer.                                                                        
"Congrats Brooke." Xepher says . 

Once we are relaxed and the knots in our backs are loosened we shower off the oils and get dressed. 

We take the train to the Eiffel Tower.                 "Stairs or lift ladies ?" Asks Cassie.                       "Lift." We all shout.                                                                                                                          
"There's like 40,000 steps , that kind of cardio would kill me ." I state.                 The girls agree.

It's a 5 minute walk from the train station to the skyscraper.                                                      
"Bonjour ." Says the staff member at the door.           "Bonjour." We say simultaneously.                                                                                                    
"Please enjoy one of the seven wonders of the world." replies the staff member.

We smile and head for the elevator. It was the longest elevator ride , taking ten minutes. As soon as we get to the top the girls and I take a group picture. I decide to Face Time Jake.

After we greet each other I do a 180* to show him the postcard perfect views .      
 "God dammit I wish I'd asked you to be my girlfriend there instead of a bloody pizza night." Jake says.                                                                                                                                                                                           
"Well maybe you can have a redo one day." I giggle lightly.

We where on our way back to the first floor of the skyscraper .
"Brooke you are so lucky to have someone like Jake." Tara says.
"Thanks." I say becoming weirdly shy .

The elevator was lively with chatter about our relationships and dream men.

The girls and I where back at the hotel . There was left over fruits from when we had the smoothies the day before . We didn't want to waste them so we made some more.

Then it was time to get changed. I get changed into a casual summer dress. I curl my newly dyed lilac hair and put on some shimmery make up on.

I meet the girls in the hotel lobby. 
"Party time." Kat's voice booms .
The rest of us cheer, I cant help but laugh.
Our uber picks us up and takes us to la rose club on the other side of Paris.

Many drinks later, we where all definitely slightly buzzed.
I get up onto a chair to make a dramatic speech .
"Thank you for this trip and thank you for sticking by me during the worst times of my life. You guys are honestly my ride n' dies." I say.
"We love you Brooke." The others scream.

I get down without falling and making a fool of myself.
We move over to the dance floor.

We dance until our legs can't carry us anymore .
We find ourselves in a cab on our way back to the hotel. The girls and I crash in Tara's room . My sleep was peacefully bliss .

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