Chapter 30: the first goodbyes

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Phil's POV:

After both having a bath, Tubbo and Tommy were early to bed. I checked in on them at 10 only to see Tubbo wide awake and looking at things on his phone. Tommy was fast asleep. I whispered, "not too late mate."

"Yea, just playing a game."

"That's okay. You don't have to go to bed when he does, you know?"

"He's used to it, I don't really want to change anything else for him."

"You're such a good big brother mate."

"Thanks Phil."

"Night, get some good sleep."

"Night Phil." I shut the door and returned to my own bedroom where Kristen was sat in bed reading the autobiography of a celebrity I'd hardly heard of. 

"Are they both asleep?"

"Tommy is," I said, sighing as I got into bed, "Tubbo is just playing some games on his phone."

"Ah well, he can stay up a little later."

"That's what I told him. Anyway, Techno and Will gone to bed?"

"Mr music is listening to a little music but said he get an earlyish night considering it is a school night. Brain box just grumbled. I think he's connected with Tommy too much."


"He let Tommy hug him."

"He did what?!" I asked, genuinely through my surprise.

"When we went to pick up the car, oh Phil you should have seen it, it was so sweet, I could have cried. I think I did. Tubbo definitely did."

"What happened?"

"Tommy took off his ear defenders and stuff and was about to get in the car when he turned round to Techno. Well, you know how when the alarm went off in the supermarket, Tech put his hands over his ears?"


"Tommy put both his hands over Techno's ears and said safe. Techno just replied, yea safe. You should have seen it Phil."

"We have to protect them."

"Of course."

"No I mean it Kristen." My wife looked at me with a serious smile on her face. "Techno took 2 years to let me hug him, 3 years for you. If he has hugged Tommy in less than 24 hours, that kid is something special. And Tommy is going nowhere without Tubbo the both of them need each other."

"But they leave tomorrow Phil."

"They leave our house. They do not leave our hearts or our minds. Or the hearts and minds of our kids. And that means they can't leave the subject of emails either."

"Oh I love you Phil."


"You just care so much."

"Maybe too much."

"Come on now, don't be like that."

"I know. I love you too."

"Let's get some sleep." I hummed and turned off the light, turning in the bed to cuddle with my wife. My mind was swimming with thoughts, and unlike the light, they just didn't turn off.

Time skip:

I woke up early the next morning, around 6:15. That was normal for a school morning, as Techno and Will would be up at 6:30 and I always made sure to be up before they were.

Kristen was up the same time, she had to leave for work early to make sure she could get in on time. The school was a 40 minute drive away and she arrives there at 8:00 to help set up for the day. For convenience we both just wake up at the same time.

Just me and him- autistic Tommy and big brother Tubbo, SBI adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now