{4: vulnerability}

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The group had no time to dwell on Sunoo's pain. The interview rolled around quickly and they took their places in designated chairs. All the Korean members were thankful this wasn't an interview that involved english answers. The whole time Sunoo remained silent and the others took notice. Jungwon wasn't going to let what happened in the dressing room slide so easily. They had a short break in between the interview and broadcast so the leader took this time to approach his hyung.

"Sunoo, are you really okay?" He asked softly. The worried look on his face made the blonde feel guilty. Sunoo felt like he should go back to being his cheerful self and not cause his members concern. Even though his head hurt so much, Sunoo just nodded. "What happened? Please tell me."

Sunoo scanned the room and saw Ni-ki was out of earshot. The events of ealier came rushing to his head. Slowly, tears pooled in the blonde's eyes seeing the young figure across the room. "Wonnie..." Sunoo brought his gaze to the leader and held his arms out for a hug, pitying himself. Jungwon immediately embraced the older to comfort him. "I'm here...we don't have much time though."

Sunoo tried his best to hold in the tears. "Its so stupid but...I went to check on Ni-ki and he started ignoring me again. I-I don't know what I did wrong! He pushed me away and I hit my head on the ceiling. It hurts." A single tear left the eyes of the older.

Sunoo was not one to cry over this. He gets emotional but when its quarrels with other members, his sass kicks in and he gets more defensive and petty then sad. He was tired of this seasaw game with their youngest member. It was too confusing and had gone on for far too long. Since their debut is when it started.

Jungwon sighed and patted the blonde's head, noticing Sunghoon making his way towards the two. "Is he okay?" The taller mouthed while pointing to Sunoo. Jungwon shook his head subtly. "I'll talk to him, okay? Sunghoon can hold you until our break ends in a few minutes." Sunoo lifted his head to see Sunghoon there and sniffled. Like a baby, Sunoo made grabby hands towards the older. Sunghood coo'd and took Sunoo from Jungwon. Their leader left them and made his way towards the maknae.

Ni-ki was playing games on his phone, not paying attention to anyone, not even the staff trying to get his attention. "Sorry." Jungwon apologized for him to the staff before grabbing Ni-ki by the arm and dragging him to a secluded area.

"What is your problem?!" Jungwon half-yelled at the younger who immediately tensed up. "What are you-"

"With Sunoo, whats your problem with him?"

Ni-ki furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't have any problem with him, what are you talking about?" Jungwon scoffed and shook his head, "Really? He's over there crying and you're the one to blame. He feels awful thinking he did something to make you upset. And you're the cause of his head injury? We're always understanding and patient with you but this is too much. I expect you to apologize by tonight."

Ni-ki's eyes widened and quickly ran to look where Sunoo would be. His heart ached watching the scene across the room. Sunoo hugging Sunghoon tightly and the older patting his head gently. He had no one to blame but himself for this. What was he thinking earlier?

"Its not like Sunoo to cry over this. You better fix the situation Nishimura." Jungwon patted his shoulder before walking away towards Jay and Jake.

Ni-ki was very confused. His thoughts wouldn't go quiet no matter how hard he tried. His teasing has gone too far and now ignoring Sunoo turns out to be the wrong solution.

Only a few seconds later and their break was already up, the staff calling them in, it seemed like just a minute instead of ten. Ni-ki harshly sighed and shook his head. He needs to fix this and he needs to do it fast.

As the members grouped together everyone who wasn't present for the past drama crowded around Sunoo seeing his red and teary face. Although Jake is known for teasing the blonde, he still cares deeply. And unlike Ni-ki he knows when enough is enough. The aussie gave Sunoo a protective hug and started playfully exaggerating, "Aww no my baby!" Everyone couldnt help but chuckle at the cute sight. Jay joined the hug too. They aren't called the sunshine protectors for nothing.

Sunoo giggled happily at how caring they are. He is truly thankful for the members who make his gloomy days seem tolerable. "I'm okay guys, really! Hehe thank you." Sunoo's genuine smile seemed to erase any worry that his bandmates had. The atmosphere lightened and the staff thought it was a good time to interrupt. "Okay now for the broadcast. You know what to do, oh and Sunoo go get your makeup redone since you decided to ruin it. We don't have much time so you better hurry." Sunoo nodded as shooting the manager an apologetic look. He disappeared behind curtains leading to the dressing room.

"Now all of you, come with me." She motioned with her hands and turned around while they followed.

And just like that, continued their evening schedule.

Don't forget to vote! Hope you enjoy <3

If you like this book, I have a Jaywon published already if you wanna check it out

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