Hooded Gang

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The Hooded Terror pulled out her gun and explained carefully, "When holding your gun, use both hands when shooting. Shooting with one hand will knock you out due to recoil."

"Like this?" One of the gang members of the Hooded Gang as they hold their gun with both hands. Hooded Terror nodded then shot a glass bottle. She requested the member, "You try it." The gang member aims the gun at another glass bottle and pulls the trigger, shooting the glass bottle into pieces.

She walked over, clapping her hands. As she did so, she spoke, "You are an example to all the new members, I'm impressed. Unfortunately now we have to clean up all this glass and get new target bottles. I'll go buy everyone a beer and you all can clean up the glass. Okay, everyone?"

"Okay," The gang member responds before they go to get a broom to clean up the broken glass.

The Hooded Terror got into the company car and stuck her head out the window, she yelled a question, "Any preferences in the beer?!!"

"Not really, whatever you think is best!" one of the gang members yells back. She gave a thumbs up then got all the way back inside the car before driving off. The supervillain appeared at the gas station and bought some beers before "paying" by threat of gun then driving back to her many minions. She got out of the car as she cheered, "EVERYONE PASSED, BEERS FOR EVERYONE!"

The masked minions cheered as they finished putting away the glass pieces using the brooms and dustpans. The minions approached Hooded Terror for the beers. She handed beer to everyone. She smiled under her hooded mask. The Hooded Terror cheerfully announced the plans for tomorrow night, "We are robbing the local gas stations, all of them and once we have the money. We will upgrade the hideout finally!"

"Devious plan, boss. You're a genius," one of the minions said as they all muttered their agreement with each other. One minion cracked open his beer and lifted it in a toast, suddenly all the masked minions began toasting Hooded Terror.

The End.

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