Chapter 8

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Victor walked down the steps of his house, carrying a small basket with a baby blue blanket over it, where Bella was peacefully sleeping. Alongside a blue backpack. He had changed out of his suit and into a blue jacket and had a white shirt with blue sleeves underneath. He also had black jeans and sneakers on.

Victor placed his backpack and basket next to Milla and sat beside them.

"Do you have all that you need?" Milla questioned. "Yep." Victor patted his backpack. Milla nodded before looking down to the small basket.

"And you'll be taking your kitten over to your mother's house?".

"Yep, alongside the farewell note I have." Victor held up an envelope and placed it on top of the basket. "Perfect," Milla turned to the taxi driver and handed him the payment "We're ready to go.".

The driver nodded and started the vehicle. Victor gazed out the window, taking what would be his last look at his former neighborhood. Milla rubbed Victor's back in comfort "I know it'll be hard darling, but I know you can make it through.".

"Thanks, I guess." Victor replied. "You're welcome darling.".


Victor walked up the steps to his mother's home, carrying the basket and envelope with him. He gently placed the basket on Mildred's porch. Victor pulled back the blanket to see Bella's face. "Bye bye Bella," Victor gently stroked Bella's fluffy face.

 "Don't know when I'll be back...Or if I'm even coming back, but be good for me okay?" Victor said. Victor then rang the doorbell and rushed back to the taxi. "Step on it." Victor said to the driver. The driver nodded and drove off from Mildred's home. 


Mildred rubbed her eyes as she awoke from the sound of the doorbell. "Who could be possibly there at this time in the night?" Mildred grumbled under her breath. She placed on her mauve slippers and headed downstairs. Mildred opened the door to spot a basket with a blanket covering it, alongside an envelope placed on top.

"Hm, What's this?" Mildred picked up the basket and placed it onto a table. Mildred picked up the envelope and laid it elsewhere on the table. She carefully pulled back the blanket to reveal Bella underneath. "Bella!?" Mildred exclaimed, accidentally awaking the sleeping kitten.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Victor?" Mildred questioned. Bella only tilted her head with a sleepy meow as an answer, seemingly just as confused as Mildred. Mildred was perplexed over Bella's presence. She then turned her attention over to the envelope, hoping it would give some answers to what was going on. 

Mildred gently tore open the envelope and examined the letter left inside.


Hey Mom,

It's me, Victor.

I'm writing this to let you know that I'm going away. 

No, this isn't a suicide note, even though I'm not doing so well mentally, but I'll break through eventually.

I'm going to have to go undercover for a while, and it's not an UZZ mission. You see, there was an incident at the Spring Ball, and now UZZ is after me. 

How Should I Move On? (The Secret Show x Psychonauts Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now