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After months of therapy, aizawa thought I was well enough to stop going, but now I had a new problem on my hands, my gender, I'm pretty sure bakugou knows I'm not cis, but what about everyone else? I've heard some people think I'm a boy, some people think I'm a girl and some people think I'm non-binary, but In reality, I'm a Trans Feminine Male, so those who think I'm a boy would be correct, but it's not the fact that they refer to me as a "girl" or "Non-binary" it's the fact that they don't use my proper pronouns because they don't know what I am and I'm too scared to correct them so I just suffer through the dysphoria them using the wrong pronouns causes, and did I forget to mention that some of them know MY Deadname!, They found it on some old papers I had!

????: HEY [DEADNAME] 😂

Me:...That isn't my name....

????:That's not what your old doctor's paperwork says!


[I start walking to where UA'S volleyball team is]

Jirou:HI XYN!

Me:Hi Jirou..

Jirou: You look upset, did something happened?

Me:Uh, I'll tell you later...


[After volleyball practice, Jirou found me in the unisex bathroom because I go in after everyone leaves]

Jirou: HEY XYN (pronunciation:Z-EYE-N)

[I jumped at the sudden loud noise, thinking my secret was exposed, but I turned around to see it was just Jirou]

Me:Oh, heh, hi jirou

Jirou:Do you still wanna talk?


Jirou:Do you wanna talk here or in your dorm?

Me:In my dorm

[And with that we start walking back to my dorm]

[We finally got to my dorm, it took awhile because my dorm is on the other side of the building]

Jirou:Now, tell me what happened?

[I explained what happened]

Jirou:hm... maybe I could help you with that!


Jirou:I could give you a makeover!


Jirou:First let's grab some scissors and cut your hair!

[After cutting and dying my hair]
From this(I'm obviously talking about the hair):

[After cutting and dying my hair]From this(I'm obviously talking about the hair):

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To this:

Jirou:Do you like it?

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Jirou:Do you like it?

Me: Mhm!

Jirou: I'm glad!, Now let's pick an outfit!

Me: ok!

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