The Fire land

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Hancock Pov:

"Hey guys, the truth is, I have a Fear-of-unknown-island-osis." Usopp said.

"I know." Zoro said chewing on the shellfish.

"I know." Robin smiles.

With Luffy on my laps laughing at Usopp fake sickness. I lean my head back to Robin. "Robin, how many fake sickness does he have?"

"Ha, alot really, sometimes Chopper had to check on him." Robin smiles.

"Oh brother." I chuckled.

"Oh, I got a headache all of a sudden." Usopp said.

I rolled my eyes and look at Salome, as we both knodding each other. As her tail slither around the boat and starts shaking. Till Usopp screamed as everyone starts laughing.

"NOT FUNNY!!" Usopp scolds.

"Ok... maybe a little." Zoro chuckled.

After the whole amusement, the mini-merry land onto the land. We all got to hop out of the boat. We all look around and inspect. The ground all feel and look like coal, crushed burning rocks.

There in front of us, was a gated fences, with hazard black and yellow fences. With a danger signs front of it.

"Punk hazard, This is the place, the name matches." Robin said.

"So this is punk hazard." Usopp sighs.

Soon Salome, help Luffy and Zoro. Pushing the boat inland.

"Let's beach the Merry." My Darling said.

"Do you think the emergency signal came from inside?" Zoro asked.

"Seem like no one's allowed to enter this island." Robin taking an inspection.

"Hey guys look at that!" Usopp point out as we all turn our heads.

"Keep out?".

"So this place is Government property.... it got the mark...." I said.

"She right, maybe somebody here. And he belong to the world government?" Usopp look around.

Soon Zoro walked up to the Metal gate. "H-hey Zoro, what are you doing?" Usopp asked.

Zoro unsheathed his swords and swung over him with great speed. As expect of Luffy first mate. The gate begins to crumbles front of us.

"Good it open." Luffy smiles, bring his hands onto his hips. As Robin and me admire at the work.

"Shall we proceed, my dear?" I asked.

"Yosh, let go." Luffy said with joyfulness.

But not even one second once we stepped inside. The heat of the island begin to fit us. Luffy tongue stick out out of heat. If only I brought something for us to cool down. Salome scales begins to shades due to this heats.

"Too hot......" Luffy pants and took his shirt off. Oh my, he so hot right now.

Soon everyone begin to take off coats. Me and Robin strip out dress off. Robin only wore a tank top and sport shorts. As for me I took off my cheongsam, wearing two piece bikini.

 As for me I took off my cheongsam, wearing two piece bikini

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"Whoooaa Hancock, you look so cute." Luffy pants from the heats.

"Awww, This is a special occasion, if we stop at an island and beach there.... sadly we are here." Hancock sighs.

"Don't worry, if the beach can't kills us, it will be this heat." Robin said.

"Don't say it like that!" Usopp croak, as I laughed at Robin responses.

"Man, but everything else is on fire?" Zoro said, bring his sword by neck and observing the area.

"It doesn't seem like the island has been burning forever. Was there a disaster? Or an acciden?" Robin said.

"Hey wait... you guys." Usopp was struggling in the back.

I took a heavy sighs and look at Salome. She hissed and slithers towards Usopp as He moves around and molten rock shoot up. Salome tailed grab Usopp, and start catching us up.

Eventually we all stopped at an edge of a cliff. With the intensity of the heat hitting us. But we all saw building in a blazed.

"Maybe this place was some kind of government facility here?" I said.

"They shut this island down because it started burning and dangerous?" Zoro said.

"Or there facilities were hazardous from the beginning?" Zoro continued.

"Which the fact the log pose didn't point to this island troubles me." Robin said.

"An island that hidden from any known log poses, this could be trouble." I said.

"HEEYYY!!! The guy from earlier - are you there!!?" Luffy shouts.

"We're Here to Help you!" Luffy shouts some more. But no response we can hear was the fire blaze.

We all hike down to the burning town as Luffy shouts louder. Trying to make an response.

"Don't call them! They're are murderers!" Usopp said. Shoving some cook meat into meat, I'm guessing stress eating.

"You know I've been thinking. The man on the snail said "it's cold.", didn't he?" Usopp said.

"You right, it really not here but he said it was cold." Luffy pants, oh the day I didn't bring water. I'm going hate my self even more.

"But if there a cold place on the island that could mean, this island has cold and hot just on opposite side." I said.

"That this island do have a cold place or he could have a chilling experience?" Robin reply.

"Robin, you are scaring me... " Usopp continues to stress eat, till we all hear a deep growling noise. We all stopped in the middle of the street. Surrounded by burning buildings.

"What is it? What was it?" Usopp look around.

"What that Noise!" Usopp shouts.

"USOPP SHUT UP!" I karate chopped Usopp in the back of the head.

"We got to hear what that noise, it could be the ground, ok." I said.

Usopp rubbing his head. "You could've convinced me it the ground."

We look back and see, what the heck are we looking at?

"It a giant?" Usopp said.

"No... it's bigger than a giant!" Luffy said, my mind was at oar jr. Till we hear the winding noise out of the hole.

"So it was the noise of the wind." Robin said.

Until the ground begins to rumbled, as red wing sprouts from the ground. We look around as two larged claws clashed down on the burning building. I look up, only my face gone white.

"Huh? Does it actually exist?" Luffy shockes.

"No. It's a mythical creature. There's no way that's it's really." Zoro took a stance.

"But look at those features.... I don't think it could be anything else!" Robin said, with shock and white in their eyes.

A red horn dragon stared straight at us. It saliva mouth, and yellow teeth baring right at us. It roared at us as we all frozed in place.

"If it a dragon.... then there one way." I said, swallowing my fear.

"And that is?" Usopp panics.

"Salome." I said to her as she slither front slither front of us and start hissing at the dragon.

The dragon roars back, as Salome look at me and shakes her head.

"So not a dragon.... Guys IT A FAKE!" I screamed.

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