Okay. So here goes nothing.

My 13th birthday was the best birthday I ever had. There are two reasons. The party was awesome. The second one is a surprise.

My parents threw a very big party  (usually they wouldn't have but since it was my 13th birthday they had to) and quarter of the society were invited. Now the party was in our club house and the club house was also a fair amount of big. It even had a swimming pool. It had four floors. The first was for the adults and all the kids and babies. And the fourth floor was for us teens. Wondering why there a 3 floor difference between the adults and us teens? That's because we had loud music going on and the adults HATED it. We couldn't see much since the only light there was a small red bulb in the very middle of the enormous room. The light was very dim as well. So when a hand grabbed mine and led me through the crowd, I couldn't see who it was and thought it was my best friend. 'Where are you taking me?' I ask her. No response. I repeat my question, still no reply. 'Is your mouth duct-taped?'  

A hand presses itself on my eyes so that I can't see anything, but I smell my favourite scent. Then I hear a door close and someone pins me to the wall. The hand finally leaves my eyes, and what I see finally can see anything. We're in the changing room, which is also on the fourth floor. When I see who has pinned me,  I nearly have a heart attack, nearly.... I suddenly feel very hot, even though it's winter and it's not like I'm wearing full sleeves or something. I'm wearing a crop top and ripped jeans.

I am in a cubicle with my crush AND he's pinned me to the wall. I'm about to freak out. But I keep my calm and pull myself to my full height. 'And what do you want, Theo?' But he doesn't answer. His action answers for him. 

My crush leans in and gently kisses me. My insides are on fire. I don't how the freaking heck I do it, but somehow I KISS HIM BACK! We pull back, gasping for breath. 'Who taught you to kiss like that?' he says, chuckling. 'First time,' I say. 'Well, I've liked you since we were 8, and you don't know that I've been waiting 2 years to do that.' Theo is the same age as me.  'Does Drew know?' Drew is my brother, and his full name Andrew, but we call him Drew. Noah sighs, 'I still have to tell him,' 'I could tell him if you want me to' I say. 'It's okay, now let's go!' he says. We both go back to see my brother kissing my bestie. My jaws hangs open and Noah simply stares at them. I finally close my mouth and smile and leave them alone. I'll  roast them about this later. I go back to dancing but this time with Noah. The party finally ends with a surprise. When it was time to go, Noah asks me, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' Fireworks explode inside of me. 'Umm, I thought kissing you meant I already was? But if you need more confirmation, yes!!' I exclaim and pull him in for yet another kiss. He kisses me back and then leaves. Gosh, he's so cute. Everything about him. His bright blue eyes, messy brown hair, his cute babyish face, and beautiful, beautiful lips. I just love him so much. 

But just as he was about to go, I ask him a question. 'How did you know I wasn't gonna pull away?' 'Uhm, Cass told me...' he says. 'Oh, that girl can't keep a single secret. Anyway, bye! Good night!' 'Bye!'

 We went home and first thing I do is open my brother's gift for me. It was a... new painting of a beautiful scenery. I love these kinds of pictures and he knows that. He also got me a.... 'Phone cover?' 'Yup. I knew you'd want a BTS one soo...' 'Oh you gave it to me in advance, so I don't have to buy one later!' My mom and dad gave me a beautiful shirt and pant set with a matching hairband. They may be annoying, but they always give me amazing stuff. But then comes the surprise. 'We got you a new phone.' Mom says. 'OhmygodohmygodohmyGOD! YOU GOT ME A NEW PHONE! THANKYOUTHANKYOU!! AND THAT ALSO EXPLAINS THE PHONE COVER!!' I squeal, as Mom hands me the phone. 'You can set it up since we already know you can.' 'Yes I can.' I say, and skip off to my brother's room. 

 When we were about to go to sleep, I ask my brother, 'Do you like Cass?' Cass is my best friend. He blushed at least 50 shades of red, 'N-no, what m-makes you t-think t-that?' he stutters. 'You're stuttering and blushing. You do that only when you're nervous and have something to hide. And your itching the back of your neck. Plus, you were kissing her at the party.' He sighs. 'Fine, Miss Sherlock Holmes, I do like her and I was kissing her at the party. You happy now?' I grin, 'Very... but are you dating?' 'Yeah.' I then tell him, 'I have something to tell you tomorrow morning, okay?' 

'Good night,' I say.... 'Night'. I switch off the light and get in bed, and within 5 minutes, I'm already asleep. 

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