Here's the thing about my mom. She has a problem with the problem and the problem has with her and me, my brother and my father have a problem with her when she goes into cactus mode. By the way, her first ever password was cactus8669 ('suits her,' Ash says, shrugging) Okay, so here's what happened.

I was reading a book about guitars (I take my music seriously, and by seriously I mean seriously) so I say, 'Mom, I wanna learn the guitar.' Okay, so here's what's her problem. She has a problem with why I don't want to learn and she has a problem with why I want to learn. And it's downright torture being two rooms away from her but still be able to here her radio station (by that I mean her report to my aunt of every little detail that happened in our house)  playing every single evening. So when that evening, I was continuing reading my book, my mom says to my aunt, 'She says "I want to learn the guitar" and I say, 'Dear, your art teacher took a lot of money from me for this project and that project so I'm afraid I won't be able to admit you into a guitar class,' and she storms away,' raises my irritation level to hiiiiiiigh heaven. But I keep my mouth shut, knowing it won't do me any good. But what makes the words I held in escape my mouth is this. 'Hey, you, bookworm. Go apply oil in your hair, it looks like a bird's nest,' and she says that loudly so that my aunt can hear it crystal clear. I say, 'Mom, everyone knows you're just saying that because aunt is on the line. Otherwise, you wouldn't give a damn how my hair looked.' They were so irritating that my cousin brother, whom someone could call a piece of shit and walk away in one piece, said the exact same thing. Then my mom continues her radio station. My mom finds me an interesting topic, but not an interesting daughter. Sometimes I doubt she's even my mom. 

That night we had a huge argument, and even when I woke up the next morning, I was seething with rage.

Probably gonna do a double update right now. Let's see. Anyway, for those who are not from where I am from (which is India :P) good morning.

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