Chapter 3: Lost and Found

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Like to a hermit poor in place obscure
I mean to spend my days of endless doubt,
To wail such woes as time cannot recure,
Where none but Love shall ever find me out.

~Sir Walter Raleigh 


A few years passed and Severus had settled into life in the remote little fishing hamlet. He had chosen well. A small seaside village on a northwestern point of Ireland he had accidentally stumbled upon in a time of desperation. A forgotten place, secluded from the rest of the world. But not so desolate as to send him into madness. 

The arc of the brightly painted storefronts, what few there were, looked out over the North Atlantic. The seabirds called out as they scanned the water and dipped into the frothy waves. The moving tide changed the beach from pebbled shore to craggy rocks and back again as the tide rose and fell.

The smattering of fishermen, farmers and shopkeepers were largely a self-sufficient lot dependent upon themselves, homemade remedies and superstition in times of illness or injury. All of that was ideal for a Potions Master wanting to hide away but needing to earn a living. The locals saw him as just another kindred independent spirit.

A knock at the door drew his attention from his book. It was a gloomy January day outside and Severus wondered who would have braved such weather to get to his cottage. He opened the door to stare into a black bifold wallet sporting a Magical Law Enforcement Auror's identification card.

"I'm Inspector Hermione Granger."

Without expression Severus quipped,

"Good for you."

Closing the door in the woman's face Severus knew this day would come. He only hoped it would not. Another knock, this time more demanding. He opened the door.

"I'm here to—"

Severus interrupted with a sigh and side roll of his eyes.

"I'm aware of your purpose, Inspector. To arrest me and take me to Azkaban...or feed me to the Dementors. Unfortunately, I can not oblige you presently... Or ever. Good bye."

He slammed the door this time. Leaning against it he knew he was only delaying the inevitable. Another knock. Persistent witch. He thought twice about opening the door. His wards were strong, she could not use her magic here. Severus knew, as a wizard, she was no match for him  but he was out of practice. Physically, he could easily overpower her. He was well versed in hand-to-hand combat having to defend himself since he was a child. He might as well hear what the young woman had to say. She couldn't hurt him. Besides, they would just send more aurors in her stead. He opened the door.

The determined Ministry official started from the beginning while placing firmly her booted foot across the threshold.

"I'm Inspector Hermione Granger of the Ministry of Magic. I'm here to...give you this."

Inspector Granger handed him a large scroll of parchment. Severus took it cautiously. Unrolling the tightly wrapped paper drum he found a small box, a Gringotts bank receipt for 500 thousand Galleons, an Order of Merlin-First Class certificate and a Wizengamot decree. Inside the box was a shiny gold medal and ribbon. The Auror added,

"There's something else."

She held out an envelope. Hermione was trying desperately to maintain a calm demeanor. The shock of seeing Snape alive and the wariness of being in close proximity to such an imposing man challenged her intestinal quietude. Steadying her nerves, she informed him,

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